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Thread: A world of Sues

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  1. #1
    Elite AlexSilverX's Avatar
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    A world of Sues

    Earlier today, I've made an RP concept for the brainstorming section of this site. The idea was to make an RP where, instead of constantly avoiding Mary Sues, we would go out of our way to create Mary Sues and Gary Stus and have them co-exist in a single RP. A parody of the "too good to be true" concept which could be fun, unique and hilarious all at once. At the time, it was a crap shoot "for the lulz" kind of thing, just to see if that kind of idea could even spark interest at all, but the more I fiddled with it, the more I found myself into this ridiculous and potentially hilarious idea. Here is a copy of the OP so you can get an idea of what I'm going for.


    Face it, whether you are mature or not, a part of you as a role-player wishes your character was loved, respected or at least envied by everyone else. When you don't keep this subconscious need in check, you end up giving birth to a Mary Sue, Gary Stu, Marty Sue or whatever else you feel those "too good to be true" characters should be called. In this parody RP, you get to do exactly that. The twist is that every character will be just as epic as your own. How will your character handle having to share the spot light? Will they try to outcool the coolest of them all, or will they have a moment of clarity and realize that being the best at everything isn't always as epic or important as its cut out to be? Whether you take your Little mr./ms. perfect seriously or not, the potential for an interesting and unique story is definitely there, right?


    In the middle of the afternoon. The emperor god Kewlist McBadass, in an attempt to make his realm cooler than it already is, summoned all of the Mary Sues from alternate universes through sheer willpower, while single-handedly benching his 100 seat golden limousine, smoking a cigar and making out with his three submissive supermodel wives. The arrival of all these perfect beings however, had unexpected consequences, as it tipped the balance of power and sheer epicness the universe once held. Now, all of these demi-gods (if they are not actual gods... or even more) have to deal with sharing the spotlight, cope with the competition and somehow find a way to coexist without destroying the world... or themselves.


    "My mother was a squirrel, my dad was the king of all demons, I wield a sword the size of the titanic single-handedly and every girl who lays her eyes on me instantly falls in love with this Adonis of a body I was born with, which I maintain without effort despite eating whatever I want. I can outdrink Poseidon, arm wrestle Superman (and win) and have the goddess of love herself wrapped around my finger."

    Imagine if all characters could claim that. Now imagine all those characters were in the same place. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, but following this logic. Isn't a god amongst other gods just an average Joe? When Sephiroth, Chuck Norris, Master Chief, God and Superman meet, would they live together as one group of epic badasses or would they enter a never-ending competition, destroying entire worlds in the process? Either way, hilarity is bound to ensue.

    What I ask of you

    -Would you join this RP based on what you see here?

    -Is there potential for this to turn into an amazing story or is the fact that Mary Sues are involved instantly dooming it to fail?

    -Have you ever played a Mary Sue or interacted with one before? Was the RPer (you or whoever else) aware of how MS their character was at that time? If not, did they nerf/alter their character when they realized it? Describe your experience.

    -Is there anything you wish to add/remove/alter from this which you feel would make the RP benefit as a whole?
    Last edited by AlexSilverX; 06-23-2013 at 03:09 AM.
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