Rating: Adult
Player Rating: Advance
Genre: AU Earth, Super Heroes, Action Adventure
In the distant future on Earth Paradigm One human scientists discover a fleet of alien ships massing around the planet Neptune. All attempts at contact fail and over the next few years the aliens make no move to approach Earth. Until one day a small transport ship appears in Earths orbit and the human race makes their first contact with the aliens though a diplomatic consort from the alien fleet named Liarra Pylos.
During her negotiations for peace and to establish interplanetary borders Liarra meets and falls in love with Kiros Xhosa the King of Andorra, a small landlocked country in Europe. They court one another for two years before marrying according to Earth traditions. Five months after their wedding Liarra gives birth to a half human half alien baby girl named Anadime Xhosa.
Anadime’s brith creates a cultural struggle between Liarra and Kiros. Liarra wishes to take Anadime into space to her fleet to perform ritualistic rites of kinship. However, Kiros disagrees and forbids the action forcing Liarra into a corner. Without many options left to her Liarra chooses to flee with her daughter, but her husband pursues them and the resulting struggle ends in Kiros’s death at the hands of his alien wife.
Liarra and her daughter disappear shortly after and Kiro’s sister Taavetti Xhosa is left to succeed the throne. Taavetti’s first course of action is to declare war against the Pento fleet for the death of her brother. Taavetti’s declaration is not backed by the rest of Earth and she is left to fight her war alone.
Taavetti’s war takes her into space with a small contingency of ships where she faces off against the Pento fleet lead by Fleet Commander Aurra Pylos, Liarra’s father. Taavetti is out numbered, out gunned, and out maned and her crew is quickly apprehended and Taavetti taken hostage.
Aurra makes contact with Earth relaying a single message: “The lives of my daughter Liarra and my granddaughter Anadime for the life of the Queen of Andorra and people of Earth.”
Earth responds quickly agreeing to the terms and send out a request for aid that is accepted by a small band of superheroes. Their job now is to find the missing Mother and Daughter before Liarra’s father grows tired and find his little girl by himself destroying Earth in the process.
Feel free to post questions.
Earth Paradigm One is an alternate universe version of our Earth with some distinct differences.
Andorra is a landlocked microstate in Southwestern Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France. In this AU Earth "Earth Paradigm One" I dubbed it a country.
Last edited by Strude; 06-19-2013 at 08:59 AM.
I'm on my phone.
The writing is a little confusing and convoluted. Phrasing is an issue; I had to reread the content two or three times before piecing the pieces together.
I still have a question: Given that both Kiros and Taavetti are rulers of Andorra, what is Earth Paradigm One (EPO)? Are Andorra and EPO synonymous? Because, other than being the same, I don't understand the connection.
Other than that, this sounds like a really fun idea. (:
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Earth Paradigm One = Earth as an alternate universe in an alternate dimension from our own . . . similar to DC comics which has multiple Earths in multiple timelines / dimensions for every incarnation of their different super heroes and story lines.
Andorra is a landlocked microstate in Southwestern Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France . . . I just picked a random tiny ass place on Earth no one has heard of . . . and then in my AU Earth "Earth Paradigm One" I dubbed it a country because it's an alternate universe and I can.
and I figure you understand the concept now . . . but to sum it all up:
Human scientists find alien fleet floating around Neptune. Years later the aliens send a diplomat (Liarra) to earth to negotiate peace and space boarders. Liarra falls in love with the king of Andorra, Kiros, and they have a baby Anadime.
Liarra wishes to take Anadime into space to her fleet to perform ritualistic rites of kindship. Kiros disapproves and they fight. Liarra decides to kidnap her child and attempt to find a ship to get to her fleet and is basically hunted by her husband. Liarra and Kiros fight and Kiros dies. Liarra and Anadime disappear.
Taavetti (Kiros's sister) takes the throne after Kiros' death, starts a war between her country and the Pento Fleet. Her little war isn't backed by the rest of the Earth so Taavetti is alone and eventually gets her ass captured by Liarra's father Aurra.
Aurra makes demands for his daughter and granddaughters lives and threatens all of Earth . . . Earth complies and promises to find them . . . Earth sends out a call for aid from anyone and a group of super hero mutants (sort of X-men feeling going here) answer and BAM we start our story looking for an alien mom and her human looking baby.
Last edited by Strude; 06-12-2013 at 03:05 PM.
Okay, no, the second explanation makes a lot more sense / has a lot more clarity, lol.
I didn't realize that, when you were referring to Andorra, you were actually referencing a real nation. I thought you just threw some letters/sounds together and the connection was simply a happy coincidence, lol.
But the expansion on EPO was really useful in understanding the content. I mean, even though the words made sense as isolated, individual words... I just needed the explanation for clarity? Yeah, I think that's pretty much it, haha.
In terms of powers and abilities, do you have any limitations or restrictions?
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.
I don't intend to place any limitations beyond:
- The abilities associated with your power can not be excessive. For example "Water Power" and then having 10 abilities that use water. Nope. Not Happening. Go Home You're Drunk!
- I won't accept copy cats of peoples favorite comic book heroes either.
Otherwise I think it is fair to say anything within reason has the possibility of being accepted.
I see. In that case, can I get an opinion on the following ability?
Vector-Control: The ability to redirect vectors (movement) values of objects. In a sense, this can be thought of as a derivative of telekinesis, but I tend to disagree.
Limitations: Can only change the vector-values of one object/entity at a time (e.g. cannot manipulate the values of the air and the flower of water at the same time). It is also impossible to redirect the vector-values of an object/entity he is not in direct contact with (e.g.. cannot redirect the vector-values of a projectile).
Something like that. I don't know, lol.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.
FUCKING LOVE IT . . . *clears throat all professional like*
So this is completely a 100% direct contact based ability or is there some leeway such as third party contact or . . . how to put it . . . surface contact? Like contact to an object through an object?
Also rewriting the concept so it makes sense. Taking the "summery" as my base.
He has to be in direct contact with it. For instance, if he can access someone's blood stream (LOL), he can redirect the flow of blood and cause a heart attack, etc. But he'll have to put his finger into an open wound. Simply touching the skin won't be enough.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Looks beans I like it . . . a lot . . . like I am jelly a lot.
---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 PM ----------
There rewrote the concept . . .
It's certainly clever, but in a game like this I'd rather be part of the alien horde.
Who am I? Oh, don't worry. I'm just the Entity of Greed. No, no, I don't want anything from you. I just want to help, in any and every way I can. No strings attached. Of course, you will owe me a favor. A big one, by the looks of this mess, but hey! What are friends for?
I'm just offering my two cents. The villian is interesting and well thought out but the forces from earth I just found myself really not caring about.
Who am I? Oh, don't worry. I'm just the Entity of Greed. No, no, I don't want anything from you. I just want to help, in any and every way I can. No strings attached. Of course, you will owe me a favor. A big one, by the looks of this mess, but hey! What are friends for?
The concept simply provides a back story and gives purpose to the protagonists. So really as much as you may like the aliens (which is good I guess), they're just sitting in space around Earth waiting for the Earthlings to find his daughter and granddaughter . . . they're not playable . . . they're not invading . . . or attacking . . . they're waiting.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you can like the aliens and identify with them all you want they won't be a playable faction in this game any time soon, if ever.
They're waiting? I didn't catch that. And yes, I'm aware why backstory is provided; but this an interest check and brainstorming thread is it not? What use is receiving only people saying why they are interested; in my experience negative criticism, as long as it is polite, is bounds and bounds more useful than "I like this because x and or y." If my criticism is not welcome I will take myself out, but there was certainly no reason to be rude.
Who am I? Oh, don't worry. I'm just the Entity of Greed. No, no, I don't want anything from you. I just want to help, in any and every way I can. No strings attached. Of course, you will owe me a favor. A big one, by the looks of this mess, but hey! What are friends for?
Please do not place me in the "rude seat".
You simply came in and said "I like the aliens not the Earth forces", which is exactly like saying
"I like this because x and or y".
So no, no you do not get to call me rude for stating that the aliens are passive NPC's when clearly my concept places the playable role in that of the "SUPER HEROES" that respond to Earths call for aid.
You have not provided any constructive criticism of my concept. You have only stated your preference towards the aliens, but this is a super hero roleplay and we'll be playing super heroes.
You are free to leave whenever you so choose.
I like the sound of it I would love to join, thank you for sending me the message this really sounds fun![]()
hmm about the powers of super Heros can make use of anything he classifies as a weapon, from telephone poles to the chop sticks displaying subtle and flawless technique, showing grandeur in using unfamiliar weapons in repeated offensive and defensive maneuvers under any state of mind.
So really it would be a knowledge based ability giving him the knowledge to use any thing he thinks as a weapon as a powerful tool for fighting.
Currently, I would not accept this. The ability is too over powered the way you explain it and in general the description is too vague in its design.
You need to clarify more.
What is the power 's/he' has and what abilities are granted by the power itself?
Please be clear and attempt to provide logical disadvantages as well.
Last edited by Strude; 06-12-2013 at 10:41 PM.
this ability grants the person able to utilize accurate and prudent battle tactics with the weapon he wields but to use this power it needs direct contact to the item the ability also needs the person to have an understanding of the item they are wielding so if he/she were to grab onto a chainsaw with no knowledge on how any of the gears are used it becomes a useless tool where if he were to grab onto a yoyo and he understood why it went up and down he could use it as if he/she had trained with it there entire lives making it a deadlier weapon in their hands then another person.
This explanation makes little to no sense to me.
However, from what I understand if contact is the only limitation this ability has then I still think this ability is overpowered. Considering the character can grab anything and turn it into a weapon as long as they have advance knowledge of a weapons build and function. A character can easily memorize a plethora of weapons and other devices (weapon is rather vague term in this case, anything can be weaponized and thus this ability can be abused easily).
Last edited by Strude; 06-12-2013 at 11:16 PM.
oh no they couldn't grab anything and turn it into a weapon like they couldn't grab chopsticks and turn them into daggers were if he were to have a stop sign and because it would in someway look like a battle axe he would be able to use it like one with knowledge on how to use a battle axe where it would still remain a stop sign and when he were to let go of it he wouldn't have the knowledge of the weapon anymore and
but really this was my question and I understand why you would think it was overpowered so I will still love to join and understand some of the limits of powers.
Last edited by Temple; 06-12-2013 at 11:25 PM.
Right now I am confused how object association is a power.
I understand how someone can perceive a stop sign to look similar to a battle axe. What I don't understand is how does the character suddenly know how to wield a stop sign as if it where a battle axe.
Then why does the character suddenly forget how a battle axe works after dropping the sign.
Also how does the character have the strength to rip the bolts that mount the stop sign down? Would this not mean the character has two abilities, not only can they associate objects with weapons and somehow acquire the knowledge to use said object as said weapon, but they also have the strength to lift an entire stop sign and rip it from it's base? This applies to other objects, a lot of things require super strength to lift.
Right now, I don't see this as a very well planned ability and there are to many loopholes. Over all though this ability, compared to Joons, is rather simple the lack of a clear design is very off putting. I would not accept this ability if you were to present it as you have in a character profile. It need some work.
This said you can submit a character when the game is created, but it may not be accepted. I promise nothing at this point.
ok thank you very much and I just used a stop sign as an example as if it wasn't bolted to the ground
I'd love to be a part of this. It seems like a really fun and interesting game. But I'm curious, since the aliens are just waiting and the heroes are searching what exactly is moving the game? Or what I mean is what's going on between finding them? Also what about the power of blood manipulation? The user can use their blood and the blood of others to make objects and weapons. Then the limitations would of course be that the bigger the object the more blood needed and of course losing too much blood would be dangerous.
Okay I'm just going to answer the plot related questions first.
Allow me to quote the concept:
Aurra makes contact with Earth relaying a single message: “The lives of my daughter Liarra and my granddaughter Anadime for the life of the Queen of Andorra and people of Earth.”
Basically, Aurra is saying: "You find my daughter and my granddaughter and if you don't I will find them myself and while I do it I will kill and destroy everything on earth, every living soul."
Your motivation: "Find these two people and save the entire Earth. If you don't everyone and thing dies at the hands of an alien fleet."
and what will happen is up to us. Once I get an actual group together and the game going we'll do plotting OOC to decide what we'll be doing. You'll definitely encounter some obstacles and difficulties on the way . . . and I have some twists planned related to Anadime, the little girl, that will throw everyone for a good loop . . . very comic book feeling stuff.
Just remember this is a super hero game, just think of it like you would a marvel comic book. Shit just happens to the hero and I intend for that shit to happen to our heroes too.
---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------
Overpowered. Using the blood of others. Your character could summon the blood of their enemy and drain the until their dead in one shot.
You'll been to refine this concept a bit more.
Last edited by Strude; 06-13-2013 at 10:01 PM.
Ah i guess i didn't explain very well. I meant that the blood they weild from others would have to be spilt already. Like if someone is wounded the hero would only be able to use the blood that has already come out of the wound. Or for examble draw blood from a clothing piece soaked in blood. But they wouldnt be able to pull blood out of a wound of use blood thats dried or anything like that. Even their own blood they'd have to make an open wound first
Last edited by PrincessofScorchingFlame; 06-13-2013 at 11:28 PM.
- They can't draw blood or take it from a wound. They can only use blood that is spilled.
Do you know how hard it is to get enough blood to spill from a cut on the wrist in order for the character to create a viable weapon (and we have to remember here the character can't draw the blood out either). If they cut a more vital place, say the throat or femoral artery in the leg places that bleed profusely and in large amounts, they'd bleed out to quickly . . . not to mention how do they stop the bleeding, does the character have some kind of healing factor too.
Also how much blood is needed to make a weapon. Are we talking equal value?
Currently, I still see some serious holes that need patching. I'm only nit picking because this is going to be an advance game and I want people to have advance quality abilities . . . so I'm going to be asking everyone to hash out their abilities.
Working on setting up the rest of the roleplay (rules/background/character section). I hope to have a full featured game up within the next day or two. Please pay attention for the release of the game, once the game is up players will be allowed to begin submitting characters.