Soooo. Yes!

I'll be going to a convention (I don't suppose I've mentioned it yet, have I? ;p) and we'll be having an art table where I'll be selling things.

Unfortunately, I'm so out of art practice that I'm being lazy and not arting when I should. I'll be on a plane in a little over two days as of this post and all I have are a few sketches. Eeep.

So I'm making this thread to share what I'm working on and hoping that by posting my progress I may be more motivated to work on them. Because so far I go, "Hmmm.... Well, y'know, I'd much rather play this game demo right now... >_>" instead. And while I should have some time to finish artwork between when I arrive in Australia and when we set up the table, I'd rather not spend all my downtime furiously scribbling. :B

Here I go. First one.

I'll be inking Hsien-Ko tonight first off. I've already corrected some spots in the pencils and hopefully will at least ink and scan her before I sleep.

You're welcome to cheer me on, ask questions, offer comments/critique - whatever you like. :3

The con's theme is "Retro". So if you have any retro anime or video game favorites, you could suggest them. If I don't get to them before I head off, maybe I'll get to them while we're furiously drawing to add to our stock. :3