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Thread: Looking for an Email RP!

  1. #1
    Background NPC
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Under my purple blankie~

    Looking for an Email RP!

    Ҕi there, welcome to my little search thread. My name is Yami, or whatever you would like to call me. I am female and going on the age of 24. Currently going to college and will post my schedule later- promise! Now let’s see… Oh yes, I am in the eastern coast of our great country of USA. Also I cannot stress this enough but I am a very disappointed in people who request Rp’s but then I get dropped after two posts! I have never done that to people and I wish to not be treated that way either. Just let me know if you can't continue- I will never ever EVER get mad, I promise! So please no more? Ok- anyways- I will list some random facts that I thought would be intresting to share.

    ❈ I am a Trekker for nearly 23 years. (Only TOS and am a happy fan of the new movies!)
    ❈ I love winter as you can tell by the theme of my search thread. I was born in the winter and I hope to god I die during the winter.
    ❈I am a naval veteran.
    ❈ I love the colors of: Blue, Silver, Black, Red, and White.
    ❈I love my dear boyfriend, and we are happily going past 2 years already ^_^ <3 <3.
    ❈I have already graduated with an Associates in Database Administration and now going on my Bachelors in Business~ So it's why I love email so much. XD It helps me greatly~

    The thing that everyone hates… The rules- but my fellow rp’ers they are there for a reason and we all have to follow them. Ok, now let’s see who is still with me after these rules- here they are…
    ❈ Please be "literate." At least four or five paragraph as for max well I could care less! I'll try to match! ^-^. That means no ** or anything of the sort madness. If I can't understand you, I can't respond to you. LYKE if uuuu du dis!!?!! ZOMG in character. That's just annoying.

    ❈ J'adore romance. And it's kind of a must. But for gods sake don't rush it! I love the flirting, the tension between the characters before the big event. (P.S. I do actually speak some French!)

    ❈ I may not be on every day, but I promise I'll be on most of the time or I will let you know when I am not on.

    ❈ Please Post here, IM, or Pm to let me know what kind of RP you up for.

    ❈ If you are going to end our roleplay, please PM me or email before doing so. Don't just stop emailing me or posting. It's rude.

    ❈ I find doubling up a little annoying(Scratch that- unless it helps with the post I once played up to 5 characters oo;; I know shocking isn't?), since I tend to favor one character over the other. I, however, will play male in some circumstances. Just have to give me a damn good convincing. -_- sense im getting tired of being male all the time.

    ❈ Email only.

    MOST IMPORTANT~ Please for the love of god please be an adult, most of my rp's are 18+ which means there will be violence and gore and many other adult content!

    ❈ Most of all if you're not having fun, speak up! Help me work on the problem to fix it. Whether we need to spice up the plot or change it, I don't like people whining about being bored while they don't help to fix the problem at all. If this doesn't work for you then stop role playing with me. The point is fun and if you're stressed and not having fun, it becomes pointless to continue. So yes, above all else, have fun!

    Now on to my list of rp’s I would like to do with you!
    ❈FANDOMS From Anime, Books, Tv, Movies, to Games❈

    ❈ Sherlock Holmes -Only seen the movies with Robert Downey Jr. (Never done this but it seems interesting? idk..)

    ❈ Atelier of Arland Series?Atelier of Dusk (Love these games)


    ❈Originals sadly lovelies are none at this time- Unless if the plot idea interests me. ❈

    ❈New Thats Added To The List❈

    ❈ Game of Thones (Tv and I have seen every episode but not the books so DON'T GIVE ME SPOILERS! And please Play Tyrion Lanister. I do have a plot idea for this

    ❈ Red Dead Redepmtion

    ❈ BioShock Infinate (I have NO idea how this will work but I did love the idea of it so I'm just throwing it in there.)

    ❈ Skyrim <-- MAJOR CRAVE AT THE MOMENT. I'm DYING FOR A BRYNJOLF WITH MY OC GAL She doesn't even have to be dragonborn either. xD Just a theif who gets herself into the Theives Guild.

    ❈ If you have any suggestions then by all means please let me hear you out! But don't be mad if I turn you down, its just that I don't have an interest in it or I'm not in a real mood for it. I want to be able to give you good solid posts if I have a passion for it.❈

    ❈ Contact Info❈

    ❈YIM juanita121688
    ❈Skype AtelierBostyAlchemistofSkyrim
    ❈Gmail j.bosty23@gmail.com
    ❈PostJust click the little Reply button sweeties
    Last edited by Natsuko_Kato; 04-22-2013 at 07:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Background NPC
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Under my purple blankie~
    New Craving of Star Trek reboot~ I can play easily as Bones to anyone's OC. Looking for a Kirk for mine. I also do have a plot idea.

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