*not my picture*

I'm looking for a group of savvy roleplayers to have some fun with! I've been searching for an active Avatar roleplay that's already been deeply established to join. But I've been very unlucky so I figured I might as well try to start one of my own. Now, I don't want to roleplay the characters that DiMartino and Konietzko have already created, but I'd like to use their world. There will be undoubtedly be connections between those characters and ours, but it shouldn't be too heavy. I'm flexible and open to ideas. Think about the following:

  1. A side-story during the same time Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph were having their adventure.
  2. The adventure of a previous avatar or future avatar after Aang.
  3. Or a simple history of what happened in the original series.

I want to avoid roleplaying the new upcoming series: The Legend of Korra. Haven't heard of it? Well here's a link: CLICK

-mind went blank- So yeah shoot me ideas. If we can get a group of maybe five people, that'd be great!

Much Love,

PS If you think you've seen a thread like this, you possibly have because I copied my old request thread from Menewsha over here. What's the point in re-writing it for the same type of roleplay? Over there, it didn't work out. Or at least it hasn't, but anywho I thought I'd put it here anyway.