I was in the mood for using therianthropes, upwards of four different types in an exploratory method, either in a dangerous place and/or against enemies. MAYBE your typical werecreature types, probably edhianals that I made (my characters Nickie and Snowball are those), maybe not people with animal genes spliced in and definitely something like how they have for Avatar, except it's solely computerized control of a living creature. I was thinking of using a tiny dino for the last group, but I haven't really thought this one out more than what's here. I wasn't sure if Nom wanted to do this or not, since an animal was her craving.

I suggested a normal sport one already and I had an idea for a nerd, but that would require you to be...the girl.

Truth or dare horror was an idea. It seems like a group sort of thing and I keep thinking of the movie IT or something along those lines. In any case, gore-focused.

Finally, pretty much anything that can spark plot and/or character ideas. Now stop being Jewish. What do you want to do?