The man gave Isabel an once over then nodded in a greeting before turning towards Detrian.
"I wish I could say the same," he spoke in a grim tone. "Detrian, I thought we've went through this enough times for you to remember. But apparently, I must remind you once more - do not get yourself in trouble, do not mingle carelessly..."
"It's not my fault!" Detrian interrupted the elderly vampire. "Do you imagine I run around with a notice plastered on by back or something?"
"It would be so much easier if you just remained in the main house and let us keep you safe!"
"More like 'imprisoned'," Detrian scoffed and looked away from his uncle.
"Don't be so dramatic Detrian!" the man raised his voice and his brow furrowed. "Miss Price," he suddenly turned to Isabel. "My apologies, Detrian must be a hand-full to handle. I give you full authority to restrain his movements if you see it fit, but do not allow him to get in harm's way. You are being payed for that..."
"Uncle, that's enough," the younger vampire growled. "I understand your concern, but you cannot contain me forever. Now... I think you've overstayed your welcome."
The elderly vampire didn't argue anymore. He just decided to leave... For now.

After seeing the man off, Dertian returned to the living room and plopped on the couch. A heavy air surrounded him.
"I'll be going out this evening," he spoke loud enough for Isabel to hear.