Great. Detrian now felt disapproving glances from both, the singer and his bodyguard. Unfortunately for them, it just amused him. Especially the part where Steve so carefully mentioned the vampire killing part.
"I'm afraid you've made a mistake," he smiled, suddenly revealing a hint of fangs. "She is the crazy one running around killing innocent beings," he stated in a manner that seemed wrong just because of how casual he made it sound. "And she didn't bring me here. I came on my own. She just... followed," again, he added it in a way that would imply anything, but a simple task related to Isabel's line of work. And since the woman didn't seem to want to stick with the guy any longer, Detrian turned, as if wanting to leave.
"See you around, Steve," he said and moved ever so lightly behind Isabel, as if he was about to hug her. "Come with me, Izzy," as he spoke those words, his eyes were fixated on Steve's, gauging the impact his lover's name coming from another man's lips had on the man. The guess, that Steve and Isabel were lovers came mostly from a faint scent coming from that man. Isabel didn't have his smell though, which made Detrian wonder if Steve had something belonging to the woman.