"Go ahead," he replied nonchalantly and disappeared out of sight.

Detrian's refrigerator was unsurprisingly empty, with an exception of a couple of wine bottles, thus leaving a lot of space for Isabel's foodstuff. The vampire himself didn't go out of his study for the rest of the evening. Sound of keyboard buttons being pressed at a rapid pace could be faintly heard in the hallway, making an impression that the man was working.
'Hm.... this should do...' he thought as he browsed through online catalogs finalizing his decision and purchases. Once done, he leaned back in his office chair and stretched. A soft gust of wind played with random strands of his longish dark hair. For a moment, Detrian didn't understand where the wind came from and only after looking around did he realize that he had left a window open. From the looks of it, the gusts were picking up, promising a stormy night.
'Oh well, work it is...'