He was about to swear on the interruption, but the smoke got entangled in his lungs again, making Detrian cough and forcing him to follow the woman towards the alley. It was just in time too as a moment later, a gunshot pierced the air hitting the camera dead on. The sound of the gadget shattering reached them while the two were making a run for it towards the alley. Eventually, they were out of the smoke and standing in front of a barely crowded street, with only a sole buss coming towards a buss stop near them. Given the circumstances, they weren't given much of a choice on their escape vehicle, even Detrian understood that.

"Get on," he snapped in a hoarse voice, now trying to lead her to the stop. Once the buss topped, the man got in first and navigated to the middle seats, which, because of his huge frame, looked somewhat clumsy, not to mention completely out of place. Once he took a seat, Detrian closed his arms over his chest, looking completely like a dangerous and suspicious person. Some people even vacated the nearest seats around him. The man seemed unfazed about it though, he just set his eyes on Isabel, waiting for her to take a seat as the buss slowly started moving.