Approaching Greatness
Wild Thang
Wild Thang
Modern, yes, but not quite so tame. Imagine abandoned buildings, parks grown over, and the general feel of a post-apocalyptic state. Territories are marked by something. (sent, dead animals, markings, paint, anything they can find.) Food and things are rationed by the government, but it's too much for them to keep track of everyone in that whole state. (Maybe Montana?) Some parts can be more civilized, like where they still have schools, but other parts can go way wild.
Lycantopia- Where the 'proper' packs try to coexist.
Wildlands- Organic packs who favor the way of the beast more.
Scarpaw- These are places are home to the 'Wulver'. People over taken by the werewolf affliction to the point that they don't recognize their humanity anymore.
These places can cross paths on many levels. Lycantopia would be surrounded by Wildlands, yet, Scarpaw may be scattered patches of land that people avoid. (but still mostly in Wildlands anyway.) The full moon is a problem for the Wildlands and Scarpaw more than Lycantopia. The Wild-Ones found Wolfsbane to be only deadly when the root is ingested, while the petals keep the human mind in control even on a full moon. The Lycantopians took this knowledge and horded the plant, making it way more possible for their land to be civil. There are still Wolfsbane in Wildlands, and of course in Scarpaw since no one is willing to get them from there.
My Character will meet yours after the full moon. They wake up not too far away from each other, and are greeted with that bear we want. Then the rest can evolve from that. I know why my char will be so close to Lycantopia, but you should figure why your char is on the outskirts. (not out of Lycantopia, just at the edge.)
Are a mated pair with young. It's not often for wolves to offer a place in their pack to a foreign wolf. In fact, they would rather kill that wolf. I believe that the children who are born Alpha's leave the pack, to form their own. The subordinates stay. The mated pair are both Alpha's. The rest are children/siblings sorted into 'ranks'. Alpha, Beta, Omega. But can be more specific for our story.
Alpha- Intelligence, wit, foresight
Beta- Muscle, speed, and stealth.
Omega- Maternal, medicinal, and watchful/sensing.
Families would have allegiances with other related families. If not blood related, then you are probably in for some trouble/death. Herds of animals would be watched over. Natural migration vs. corralling beasts they eat can be a subject that the werewolves argue about. Could be something that causes friction. Especially when and if the herds begin to favor states with no werewolves.
The packs, on the full moon, do their best to stay in areas where they don't mess with each other. But, sometimes shit happens. So, these characters may have gone off on the full moon, fought each other, then in the morning, they wake up and are faced with a bear. These two have little time to argue about food/territory. They kill the bear and maybe one saves the other. Could even be the Omega.
Human- You're natural state.
Howler- Mostly human. Sclera is black, claws form, ears and tail appear, and senses increase.
Wulver- Meaning wolf/human. (Also what the people are called who stay this way.)
Eyes: Sclera is back, the iris is your natural born color
Hair- Natural shades.
Size: As various as humans get.
Wolf- Full on four legged wolf.
Eyes: Wolfish, iris is natural born color
Pelt: Natural born color. This gets interesting when a person is redhead/blondy/albino
size: Small horse to bear size. Depending on the individual’s natural build as a person.
Wolfsbane/Aconite- The root of this plant can poison or kill. Depending on how much was used.
Decapitation, or the inability for the brain to function.
The removal of the heart, or the inability for the heart to function.
Profuse blood loss, so much so that the heart can't pump it. (hence, inability to function.)
Fire- like normal creatures
Drowning- Like normal creatures.
Suffocation- Like normal creatures.
Life is extended. Trippled. That is, if you aren't killed.
Reflexes/Speed/Strength/Senses/Healing/ are all enhanced. BUT! Not necessarily past human ability(all the time) WHEN it is in 'Human' state. More like the epitome of human capabilities are unlocked, to even the most un-athletic/un-healthy/un-spectacular person.
Reproduction: Making one a Werewolf...
Birth- By having a baby, that baby inherits the affliction of it's parents.
Bite- Only on the full moon can one be bitten. Sometimes this doesn't work.
Lycantopians- Always give birth as humans. It's 'proper'.
Wild-Ones- Always as a wolf form. It's 'Beastly'.
Wulver- Always Wulver form. It's 'They are psycho'.
Regular food and of course, animals are number one favorite. Although, Lycantopians prefer the way the rest of the US gets their meat. Wild-Ones hunt. They want the chase, the kill, and the fresher the better.
Setting Characters:
Progenitor: None know at the moment. It sprung up in the North, then spread from there.
Lycantopia- Regulates the Aconite/Wolfsbane. If you want it, you got to live where you can get it. On the full moon, you MUST take the Petal-Pills. NO exceptions. It's a crime to ignore the Petal-Pill, also known as a 'Aco' short for 'Aconite-Pill', and you WILL be punished. Jail most likely. And a HUGE fine.
Wild-Ones- If your pack has a stash of Aconite, then guard it well. Not everyone has it now, thanks to the Lycantopians who horde the herb.
Wulvers- Are wild and they are crazy. Think of them like Slenderman/Hulk/Wolverine.
Things you should keep in mind...
Lycantopians are just the packs who founded the 'Civil' way of coexisting. -really, it was the Wild-Ones who discovered the properties of the Wolfsbane.- And they may have towns, but the supply and demand of Aconite plant make it so that if you want it, you have to live where you can get it.
Lycantopians like to believe that they are better than Wild-Ones. They see them as Gypsy people, or low beings who fight to survive rather than live in peace. But, the thing is, they fight because they have to. There isn't enough Aco to go around in the Wildlands.
Lycantopians don't do the traditional 'packs' like the Wild-Ones or the Wulvers.
This actually is frustrating for the young ones especially. Alpha's get into fights a lot, submissive ones tend to get bossed around or harmed. Gangs can form. The Lycantopians like to think they don't have problems, because they have the Aco pill, but they do get trouble. It's because they pretend so hard that they are fully human. They ignore that wolf in them and that is not helping.


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Last edited by rumxcoke; 04-22-2013 at 08:58 PM.
Approaching Greatness
Samey Jones
Born January 14th, 1992.
He is 6'5
His wolf is jet black, and the size of a black bear, the eyes a nice blue.
Last edited by LostInOliviasWorld; 04-23-2013 at 12:52 AM.
Approaching Greatness
Name: Moreen Angela O'Conner
Nickname: Reen or Reenie
Age: 19
Birthday: December 13, 1994
Height/Build/appearance: 5'10, womanly/gifted, brown hair blue eyes.
Notable Marks: Cut across back, scars on legs and arms, bullet scars on hind leg.
WolfForm: Brown pelt, blue eyes. Size of a small horse that one could ride.

- If you need to know, use this --> [IMG]copy/paste URL here[/IMG] to put the pics up-
Last edited by rumxcoke; 04-22-2013 at 01:56 PM.
Approaching Greatness
Approaching Greatness
Darkness was what Moreen was first aware of when she stirred from the 'Moon-Sleep' that came over oneself when the Full Moon rises. Then the headache was felt. It was just as bad as she remembers. The sent of foliage and dirt was right at her nose. Moreen lay on the ground, covered in leaves and blood. Her eyes fluttered open and the young woman lifted her head to peer around. Groggy and a little disorientated, Moreen eased up into a sitting position. Her clothes were all screwed up. Just like her hair and mental state. The night before was largely a blur, as it always is for her. Moreen never seemed to be able to recall much. Not like other Werewolves she knew. They could probably recite exactly what they did.
"Hm..." Moreen turned her head, resting her eyes on the carcass of two bear-cubs. She frowned. Her hands reached over to stroke the torn younglings. It was never enjoyable to kill one so young. Sighing, she stood up. It was cold. Fall was all around her. Moreen decided to shake that off. It wasn't good to stay in one spot for too long. Especially since she was so close to Lycantopia. Especially since the events of last night before the Moon-Sleep took her mind.
"I'm sorry, little fella's." Moreen spoke softly, sadly, as she dug a hole to put them bury them. Just as she lay the first one inside, a roar was heard from behind her. Moreen spun around on her heels, just in time to get smacked by a large Grizzly paw. Her body flung across the ground several feet. Moreen snarled, shifting to full wolf form. She meant to run, but she was cornered by a large boulder and the bear was already raising a paw to strike.
(ooc- You can have him help, but don't have him kill it. His pity for her will be because she kills the bear. A kind of 'You saved my life once, so I will save yours this time.' BUT, still make him be really badass in his fight scene.)
Last edited by rumxcoke; 04-23-2013 at 02:25 AM.
Approaching Greatness
I was going to deal with some business just on the edge of our packs land. A scent caught my nose, an unknown wolf? And a large, angry hormonal bear.. I followed the scent, just curious to see what was going on. I looked over at large boulders and trees around them, I watched closely as I saw a girl, sitting by two cubs? Dead cubs? Then I saw that angry bear I smelled, it came up behind her, and hit her.. My wolf didn't like this, and was eager to change. There was something about her that.. Made me want to jump in and help. I saw the bear lift up its paw, to swing at her.. I growled, and I shifted into my large wolf form, charging as fast as my paws would carry me towards it. I tackled the bear before its paw struck her. I bit at the bears flesh, fighting against it, and ignoring the pain it gave me when its claws dug into my side. It threw my off, only making me charge at it and tackle it once more. Its teeth bit down hard on my arm, making me cry out, and it rolled on top of me, its claws swinging at me from left and right.
Approaching Greatness
It was surprising to have expected a hit from the bear, yet see it get toppled over by another wolf. Moreen backed away, letting her instinct to survive kick in, yet, when she started to run off, she heard the other wolf yelp. Moreen felt her body halt, turning to see him. The jet black wolf was surly a fighter, but it seemed that fate had tripped him today. Moreen went against her better judgement. She raced back over, leaping at the bears head. The force of her body jerked the bear to the side, off the wolf who had come to her aid. In doing so, a tear was made across it's face. The eye of he bear drooped down. Obviously blinded now, Moreen took that opportunity to lunge at the belly, ripping open the bear.
"Grr." Moreen hit the bear to knock it over to the side and not on the wolf. He was in bad shape. The swipes of the bear were healing, as it should for Werewolves. Moreen still thought it a curiosity that he should have done that. And he seemed a foreign wolf to her. No one she has met. Cautiously sniffing him, not too close, Moreen backed up a little, still as a wolf. Her senses memorizing his sent. Then she shifted to Howler form. Stronger than human, but not as threatening.
"Who are you?" She asked, still a few several feet away. Her blue eyes meeting his.
(ooc- remember to write in the Third-Person.)
Approaching Greatness
(Oh yeah.. Crap..)
Sam looked at the girl, her blue eyes staring into his soul. He also mimicked her and turned into his wulver form also. "Samey." He stated simply. He looked into the girls eyes, feeling a strong bond pulling him towards her. He looked at the dead bear on the ground, realization hitting him. "Thank you.." He stated, noticing how could have lost his life if it wasn't for Her. he ran his hands through his hair, the silence in the air almost deadly.
Approaching Greatness
"Hm..." Moreen bristled, but nodded in response to his gratitude. She had been alone for a while now. Hadn't spoken much to any wolves. Especially ones with that sent familiar to the Lycantopian Werewolves. Her suspicious nature jumping into gear when he said 'thank you', made her raise her shoulders in wary thought. What was he really playing at?
Thank you? He must not be a Wild-One. That sent. His awkward manner. Ugh...Lyacantopian indeed! I can smell it...
"Hm. I am of the O'Connor Pack." It was an obvious statement to him. She was not 'proper' in the eyes of the Lycantopian Werewolves. All her life she had been taught to despise them for being greedy ass hoarders and heartless human-wannabe's. The kind that try too hard to be 'normal'. Her prejudice was evident, no matter if it seemed he was drawn to her. Still in Howler form, Moreen flicked her gaze around, wondering if any more of 'his kind' were in the shadows. Satisfied not to smell anything, she locked gazes with him again.
"Why did you do that?" She asked, a bit coldly. Moreen couldn't get or understand why a Lycantopian would try to fight a bear. Let alone to save some random Wild-One.
Approaching Greatness
Her words were cold, and a. It harsh towards Sam. He looked at her once more, a bit of a glare in his eyes now. "Well I wasn't going to watch you get mauled when I could do something to prevent it." He said, also a bit harshly. This strange pull he was feeling was odd, was it.. Could she be his .. Mate? He quickly shook that thought, and would look into his thoughts later. "What are you doing, out here all alone?" I asked, wanting to know.
Approaching Greatness
"That is none of your business, Lycan." And that word was not so pleasant. The Lycantopians may live in an area with that same name, but they prefer to be called 'people' and such. Wild-Ones like to be called 'Beasts'. As in 'Everybeast' rather than 'Everybody' or 'Somebeast' rather than 'Someone'.
"I..." Moreen realized she may be letting her lone-wolf days cloud her own nature to be kind. It was this nature of hers that made her halt and help him out. "I am not far from my pack. We should not be seen together." A lie in all it's wonders. Moreen had not pack. She was clearly alone, and no Omega runs off by themselves. In her pocket, Sam would see a pill bottle poking out. Wild-One's don't use the Aco pill, so how did she get that? Oh... A thief! Wild-Ones desperate enough, will break there normal habits of eating fresh Wolfsbane petals to swipe some Aco pills when they are low on the petals. A crime indeed.
"Who is there?" A mans voice spoke. A strong looking man walked into view. As soon as he saw Moreen, he raised a dart gun. A gun used to sedate wolves that cross territory. Thankfully Lyantopians don't believe in murdering the trespasser like the Wild-One's did, but prison can wreck ones spirit. Several more men walked out of the trees. She was stuck! Bullets fly faster than a wolf can turn and run. Moreen was wide eyed, and she backed away in fright.
"Sam! What are you doing out here?"
(ooc- You can decide who shouted at Sam.)
Last edited by rumxcoke; 04-23-2013 at 09:53 PM.
Approaching Greatness
"Your pack, Eh? Well you should never wander away." He said, and he narrowed his eyes when she called him that name, a low growl erupting from his throat. He was in his human form, so it wasn't much. He heard his brother, Jake.. Shit.. I turned around, glaring when he aimed the dart gun at her. "Don't." I said, looking at her. "She is fine, and it is not your business why I am out here." I said, swallowing hard. And I looked around, as other members of the pack emerged from the trees. I looked at the girl as she backed away in fear.
Approaching Greatness
"Sorry Sam. Business is business." By now they were all around her. Moreen shifted to full wolf form, snarling and snapping at them. The guns cocked and boom. Two hit her side. Moreen yelped, but her form shifted to human as the sleeping toxin took effect. Her body fell over and one of them slung her onto his back. They all knew where she would be going. Either to jail or to what the Lycantopian's like to call 'Rehabilitation' Houses. A place where a stray without a pack could decided to learn to live as a Lycantopian. A person would sign up to take in a Wild-One, so to help. This family, if successful, would get benefits and extra Aco Pills. The business of getting Wild-Ones went from being a helpful intention, to some shady kidnapping. Only sometimes.
"I don't know what you were doing here Sam, but I hope it's not going to get you in trouble."
Moreen was unconscious, her arms hung over the other guys back. Just like Foster children, no one knew what sort of a 'home' a Wild-One would get placed into. For all they know, Moreen could end up in a bad bad place. This girl, who had obviously given off strong bonding feelings, despite her frightened or otherwise survivalist behavior, was about to slip right out of Sam's fingers if he did nothing.
Approaching Greatness
He winced, seeing her in pain, the way she yelped made his wolf want to attack whoever shot at her. He calmed himself, but a low growl again escaped his throat.. When his brother picked her up, he sighed as he began to walk away.. He had to have her with him.. "Don't worry about it.. And let me take her, the pack doctor will need to look at her, anyway." He said, and really he would just take her to his room, and lay her down and wait until she woke up. His brother hesitated, but handed her to Sam, he held her in his arms, bridal style, a look of happieness present in his eyes, he masked it, so his brother couldn't see. He headed to the pack house, when he walked in, people stared at the girl in his arms, and he headed to his room, locking the door behind him. He laid her on his bed, and sat in a chase.. He waited, and waitrd
Approaching Greatness
Another wake up. It was harder to wake up with toxins in your body then it was to wake up from Moon-Sleep. Moreen was aware that she wasn't on the floor of the forest. Soft sheets and a bed were what she was laying on. Her eyes adjusted to the light and she realized she was in those kennels that Lycan's liked to live in and not a Den like her people. Moreen then realized another thing. It had the strong sent of the wolf she met that morning. Whipping her head to the side, she locked gazes with 'Sam'. At first, she was alert and darted her eyes around, wondering why the hell she was even there.
"Why have I been taken here? Let me out!" She said this without full knowledge of what it meant to be a Wild-One in Lycantopia. They weren't the kind of thing a citizen wanted to see roaming the streets. Moreen got off the bed, crouching down so only her eyes could be seen. As if she it was some kind of precaution. Moreen just wasn't sure what this all meant. If Sam was to calm her, he had better start talking.
Approaching Greatness
Sam stood when she woke up, and was aware of her surroundings. "Hey.. Hey. Calm down." I said, looking at her. "You're in my room, at my pack house.. I took you here because I believe you're my Mate.." He explained to her. He didn't know what else to say, he just had an urge to hold her, and make her 'un-scared' .. If that was a word?
Approaching Greatness
"Touch me, and I will bite you."
Moreen didn't believe a word he was saying. Sure, she felt a little tingly feeling. But, that could be anything! How can he think she's his mate? Lycantopians are so presumptuous. As if HE would know what that feeling was! Moreen narrowed her eyes at him again. She scrutinized his very manner. His every expression. Was he speaking the truth? Moreen couldn't tell. She thought about her options. Either she can escape out the window, or stay. She made a move for the exit. Then looked back at Sam. Moreen then sat on the bed and spoke.
"I do not believe you even know the meaning of the word 'Mate' and what it means to me and the Wild-Ones." Moreen said to him. "But...I don't have anywhere else to go. So..."
(ooc- Don't have them fall for each other too soon)
Approaching Greatness
Sam shook his head. "I know what it means. And I'm damn sure I know the feeling." He said, heading to the bathroom, and getting her a glass of water. He walked back, and watched her closely as he put ice in the cup. He set it by her slowly. "You probably need water." He said softly, and he sat back in his chair. He could already feel a thread of a bond between them..bit he knew that she would be hard to gain trust with.
Approaching Greatness
Eying the cup suspiciously, Moreen took sometime to decided that it may not me contaminated. She took the cup in her hands and drank from it, crunching ice between her teeth. Then she placed it back, still behind the bed. Her blue eyes judging him. It's not in her nature as a Wild-One to accept a 'new wolf' easily. Really, not at all. But, her situation called for adaptation. Moreen eased up from behind the bed and kept her eyes on him. She tilted her head and asked curiously.
"Why do you think this feeling a mate bonding? It could be a pack bonding. When Alpha's feel they are being suppressed, nearly any wolf without a pack would feel the need to join you." She offered this as an example. "I don't have a pack anymore, I was lying back there...I lost my pack. What I feel, I have felt for other Alpha's. But not because I am to be a mate, it's because I don't have a pack."
"Maybe you are just confused." Moreen nodded to herself. He's just lost in Lycantopia crap. Sam can't possibly understand her Wild-One nature. The other answer to this riddle was frightening for her. To be a mate means to be an Alpha pair. That is a huge undertaking in her world. "Maybe I am just feeling alone."
Last edited by rumxcoke; 04-30-2013 at 02:18 AM.
Approaching Greatness
Sam thought for a moment.. Thinking that she sadly could be right.. a part of him wanted to believe she was his mate. Maybe he just got his hopes up for nothing. He was used to that.. He looked down, letting her reasonable words sink in. "You're probably right.. Sorry to bring it up as a possibility." He said and he stood, slowly, and stretched out his arms, they ached and so did his back, most likely from shifting.
Approaching Greatness
"Hm." She nodded. "It's fine. Mistakes happen." Moreen said, forgiving him for his obvious discrepancy. What the wolf didn't think to say, was just how long that feeling should last as soon as she became a pack member. When one does become a member of a pack, that feeling should leave by then. Moreen wasn't one of the pack yet, but, if she chose to, that feeling should go away. In theory.
"It will fade...if I stay to be a pack member." She spoke warily, knowing this was probably the only option, yet feeling a great sense of shame for admitting it. Wild-One' hold such pride for what they were, what they did. But still, who can blame her? Besides, Sam didn't seem like a bad guy.
"Do you have food?" Moreen asked.
Approaching Greatness
He didn't want to accept the fact that he could be wrong,m but, everyone makes mistakes.. He was just lonely, and wanted someone he could truly love back in his life again. His wolf inside him didn't accept that he had made a mistake either.. It just didn't sit well, he looked up as she asked her question. And he nodded. How stupid was he! He should have had some out. He stood, and walked to the kitchen, grabbing an already made sandwich from the fridge, walking back, and handing the plate to her,
Approaching Greatness
The plate was looked at kind of funny. But, she accepted it. Moreen has only really eaten animals she had caught herself, although this wasn't the first time she had consumed Lycantopian food. When she was finished, she felt unsatisfied. All that bread. Not much meat. Still, better than nothing.
"Who is Alpha here? What are your ranks?" Moreen needed to know all the names and ranks. It's dangerous to go in on a pack without knowing who to respect. "Who are you in this pack?"
Approaching Greatness
By the unsatisfied look on her face I knew that she was somewhat unhappy with her food. At lunch, I would get a steak for her or something, since I knew that would be what she was more used to. I took a drink of water, and set the glass on the counter, I looked at her as she spoke. "Well, I'm the Alpha." I said. When I looked into her eyes, I couldn't help but point out to myself how beautiful they were, just how overall attractive she was..
Approaching Greatness
"You? You are the alpha?" Her expression was in thought about this discovery. Moreen shook her head a bit, then looked back at him. A curiosity in her eyes. "How is that so? You don't look old enough to. Maybe you are just joking." Her mouth twitched into a half smile. She was thinking it a joke, so she let a bit of her humor show. Then it faded and she asked again.
"Alright, so who is the alpha, and who are the others. I must know them all, Sam." This is the first time she used his name.
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