
"What condition is that?" Rae would ask her innocently and with a tilt of her head, her ears turning forward slightly. It wasn't good that there was only way for him to be happy, so she wanted to find out so maybe she could help. She really liked to help because it was nice when people smiled. Although as she noticed the melancholy in Ophelia her ears would droop down a little and her tail would slow it's flicker, watching her. Rae wondered why there was so much sadness in everyone that lived in the pretty home.

Raelynn would break into a smile however as she would recieved permission to clean, and nodded, looking where she indicated each time and nodded again. "Alright, thank you," She giggled as she thanked her. "I'm not really good at sitting still for long periods of time," Explaining slightly why she might seem so anxious to get to cleaning. She had no particular dislike or like towards it, but it was something to do. Jumping up to her feet with a bright smile, her ears and tail flickering excitedly as she would set about immediately cleaning stuff up. Humming to herself a sweet soft tune as she went about it as well, she seemed to even get sort of lost in the satisfaction of being active and doing something.

If she was being watched, eventually she would end up seeming to do possibly strange little things. For example at one point, she would be down on all fours as she had spotted a pen that had rolled into a spot even her slender fingers couldn't reach. As she did so she would huff a sigh and just seemed to stare at the pen a moment... and suddenly she had somehow managed to pull the pen out. Giving a happy giggle she would put it away with everything else she had gathered.

The next thing that she would do was cleaning up the broken things, which surprisingly wasn't much since he'd mostly just broken his desk, the pen and the paperweight. Once she'd cleaned up the broken pen, Raelynn went on to cleaning up the paperweight, gathering up all of the pieces. The shininess of the crystal was attractive to the feline girl as her tail flickered about happily when she would sit herself down on the floor with all of the pieces in front of her. Crossing her legs she began to rebuild the paperweight, placing the broken pieces together, almost like it was a 3D puzzle. Of course when she was done it was still broken, but that didn't seem to dull Rae's happiness at having it pieced together.

"It looks like it'd be so pretty," Rae murmured to herself, her tail swaying back and forth slowly her ears twitching a little before she placed both of her hands over the shiny item and kind of just stared at it... and it would begin to softly glow beneath her palms for a few moments until she lifted her hands and the glow faded away. As it disappeared, it could be seen that the item looked as if it had never been broken in the first place, not even one crack in it.

"There! That's better!" Raelynn giggled as she looked at it then gently picked it up to put it on the table with everything else. Done she would give a quick look about the room, grinning brightly as she saw everything cleaned up.


"Well you sure seem to be," Vimal answer her question with a soft blush coloring his cheeks. "You seem very kind, genuinely interested, and you seem fun to be around." He would describe the reasons why he had called her great, his cheeks keeping the soft blush as he would shrug. "Sorry if I overstepped by saying that." Apologizing he wasn't sure if she liked that he had said that or disliked, since some people would think he was creepy for thinking such a thing after only such a short time.

When she would tell him that she thought it wasn't fair of his father for getting upset at him for asking questions and stamping out his curiousity he would give her a very soft smile, not taking any offense. In fact he liked it that she wasn't trying hard to impress him, shown by the fact she was willing to speak against his father, even if it wasn't anything overly serious. Though he wouldn't say anything, just because he didn't really feel like there was anything for him to say, nodding when she would say she was glad that he agreed with her.

At her repeating, his favorite place, he would nod again. His smile brightening when she would tell him that she'd love to. "Great!" He grinned and jumped to his feet before offering her a hand to help her to her feet. Once they were both standing up, he would grin to her and gesture back towards the house but off to the side. "It's this way." Although he didn't go jumping for joy, Vimal almost felt like he could, his dark green eyes shining happily.

It wouldn't be as long of a walk as it was to the house, but it was off to the side, and back of it. From the outside it was a hedged in area of an a large size with a nicely designed black fence going around it. Reaching the gate that would let him inside, he would stop a second to brush his fingers across the top, turning to look to Nanette.

"Um, I just want to let you know that you're the first person I'm showing this too," Vimal said nervoussly twisting his hands about slightly. "I mean either then Ambar of course." He would tell her softly before taking a deep breath and swinging open the gate, leading the way in.

"Hi, mom," Vimal would mutter the words very softly, so they'd probably be hard to pick up on unless she were close or had food hearing.

The place that they entered was a large cultivated garden, with a beautiful variety of colors everywhere in the flowers petals, tree leaves, and other types of foliage. It would actually be quite easy to tell that the garden had been designed with a feminine touch but with one that leaned towards a natural looking appearance.