
Durion didn’t give much of a care to her sudden sadness, or to her comment. It wasn’t his problem that she had nowhere else to go, it wasn’t his business, he never should have even met her. As far as he was concerned nothing about her should concern him, not her moods, not what she did, and not where she was going to go.

His gaze snapped over to her suddenly as she spoke. What did she know of his worth? A little more of that usual anger came back and he let a low growl rumble deep in his throat as his agitation grew. It mounted slowly, like a wave coming towards shore, becoming more and more as she spoke to him. What did she know of true loneliness, of true abandonment? She may have had no home but she could wander in her way to people’s property and be welcomed, she could chose her path. She may have been alone but she was also free, and in that freedom she could associate herself with other… And she could touch them. Touch them like she touched him, like she was right now. She could have that contact, she wasn’t alone.

He stood swiftly, agitation finally cresting high above him, above his thoughts and emotions. It washed over him and left him, for a moment, seeing red. “You’re right” he said, his voice colder, darker, lower, the same tone it held as he was beginning a battle. “You don’t know much. You don’t know anything at all. You don’t know the true pain of loneliness, the true pain of abandonment. You, who can be so quickly and warmly welcomed into a home, you who are so full of naivety, tell me, did your mother leave you in the dark of the night as a babe, leave you to cry and to fear? Did your father beat you, push you, work you till you couldn’t move, and then make you walk home or sleep in the elements?” His hands shook as he spoke but the rest of him was unmoving as he gazed darkly down at her. “Do you know what it’s like, not being able to touch anyone or anything you care for? Do you know that pain? That true loneliness? From the way you took to invading my personal space I doubt it.” He turned his face quickly away when he realized what he had said, revealing this most secret of secrets was not something he’d meant to do.

Now irate he turned toward the door to his room, stepping into the doorway before pausing. “You’d do best to assume nothing about me. I have to be alone, it is my life, my fate, and I accept it… Now, get out of my room, occupy yourself with something else until I call you back. I do not wish to see you till then. And repeat nothing of what you have heard! Go!” he shouted his last commands before stepping fully into his room, slamming the door shut behind him.


She smiled at him brightly. “Don’t worry about that, I don’t much mind people touching me, long as they don’t get creepy with it” she laughed. She regarded his blush, thinking it was quite adorable on him, though she didn’t vocalize that though. She’d had an acquaintance who’d told her boys didn’t like to be called anything but hot or handsome. Odd.

She disregarded that though and met his eyes, thinking them quite a lovely shade of green. That she may comment on but, before that she let herself listen to what he was saying. “Is it really that nice?” she asked him, letting her own fingers reach up to brush against the softness. “I’ve never really given much of a though to how it looks” she laughed. “I’ll remember that though, and be sure to wear it down more.”

A little blush graced her cheeks as well and she looked back up to the sky biting her lip softly. “And um… if we’re giving out compliments right now… Just thought I’d let you know I do quite like your eyes. They’re such a beautiful shade of green, they remind me of the forest.”