Durion watched her bound over to the cabinet from behind his book and wondered how any one creature could have so much energy. In hindsight he was probably exaggerating the level of eagerness she displayed because he completely lacked any himself. This painful nuisance on his back made sure of that. Anytime it decided to cause him pain usually one of two things happened, he either got very angry and violent or he got very quiet and submissive. Today it seemed he was somewhere in the middle, he was far from his usual self in his views on violence, namely he didn't feel the want to commit any today, but he wasn't the soft spoken, mild mannered creature he sometimes became when the pain was at its worst.

He simply lacked energy or the will power needed to do anything but sit here, read, and hopefully eat some cheesecake... He really did like cheesecake. This was bizarre.

He watched her come back, barely noticing the slowness in her steps as she carefully carried back everything, and then returned to his book. He caught her smile and blinked at the question asked. "Go ahead" he said dismissively, turning a page. The less moving he had to do the better. He paused in his reading, now that he thought about it he should call down his breakfast order before they all started cleaning up. He knew it was still early but sometimes his parents skipped breakfast, or only ate a bit, and the kitchen staff began their cleaning early. He hatted calling down after they'd started because the food was never as good since they were rushed.

He lowered his book and looked at Raelynn again, surely she was hungry. As far as he knew she hadn't eaten anything besides that apple she'd stolen the other day... or perhaps Rose had fed her. Either way, in his mild mood he felt he should ask her "anything you want for breakfast?" He was just going to have his normal order sent up and he was feeling rather ravenous so it would be best if she got her own food. It was unwise to expect Durion to share meals. Desserts maybe, when he was like this, but meals, never. He was more likely to accidentally bite your hand off than to offer you anything he received.