1. Shouldn't the [code] bbcode allow to put bbcode by displaying it as... code? lol (did that make sense?) At least in all other forums it always did.
I tried to put the bbcode for each banner from my ooc reference thread, and when I replied to Schizo last time about the sig, buuut even putting the bbcode inside [code] tags made it display as a linked image instead as the code itself. Just... inside a code box.

2. [imgright] and [imgleft] weren't working for me when I tried them, since Neko you'd said they were available? It just displayed as broken code though.

3. Do we have "strike-through" and "spoiler" codes? (strikethrough would be really useful for IC journals, I tried the usual [s] and [strike] but neither worked lol)

I think that's it.