1. "Closed" games should be automatically filtered out of the role-play search.

Closed games are, by definition, no longer accepting anymore applicants. So, it makes no sense to have them cluttering the role-play directory. When I click on all role-play, I'm obviously trying to browse the list for something to join.

2. Allow for "Private" tags for full-featured games.

Just as there are "Adult" and "Closed" tags, I think that there should be "Private" tags for all one/one in the full-featured system. It's an easy way to make them distinctive from regular games AND, with an official tag, it can be filtered OUT of the open role-play directory. See reason for filters above.

3. We need a better search function for role-plays.

The current search system is completely laughable. The search bar doesn't actually fulfill the function it should. To my knowledge/experience, I can't use that bar to search by tag. I have to physically click on the barely noticeable "tags" option underneath the main control tabs and, from there, choose from a list of used tags. While this method is a good way to reveal ALL the tags used (and thus allow people to quickly peruse what types of games are most popular on the board), it's not really that efficient.

I should be able to do a search (or an advanced search) that lets me pick not just ratings and skill level, but a series of tags that I want/am interested in. For example, look for all role-plays with the tags of: x, y, and z. If nothing comes up that carries all those specific tags, the search, if possible, should show up the best-fit options.

Moreover, the tags search function doesn't order it by newest to oldest. It orders the role-plays alphabetically and that's... not really all that great. I don't need to know that we have twenty-million fantasy role-plays that begin with "A." I want to know which ones are new and, thus, most likely to accept new applicants.

4. Spotlight most popular tags.

I think this is a luxury addition that isn't particularly necessary, but would be nice. It would be good to see which genres are most popular with the board. Intuitively, we can hazard a guess that "fantasy" would be a top tag and a quick browse of the tags tab will reveal it being the most popular tag used.

My suggestion is that, underneath the newest RP box (on the home page), there should be a box for the top 5 or 6 or 7 most popular tags used on WTF. Of course, this might not be feasible and I understand the possible complications. For instance, tags are not uniformed. Not everyone uses the same tags or people may mis-tag their games. All of this is a problem, but if we can, somehow, streamline tags a bit more, this would be really useful.

I mean, it's standard to have genres like: romance, drama, mystery, supernatural, action/adventure, fantasy, etc, etc. I'm not sure where this specific point is going, but I just thought having a tag-spotlight would be useful. Maybe put the number of games next to the tags, so players can get an idea of how many games there are for a specific genre, etc?

5. There should be a "Reject" option for characters.

While creators CAN choose to leave non-accepting characters in a perpetual state of "Pending," it would be so much more efficient to be able to simply reject unwanted character ideas. Applicants shouldn't have to clone their characters for fear that their character, if not accepted, will be deleted and, with that, the profile's content. I mean, we can argue that it's their responsibility, but, really, it isn't. If creators can have the option to "Reject" a character from their game, it'll be easier. "Rejected" characters can go back to the owner's Character Pool and the owner of the character can have a PM notifying them of the status.

There are some other things, but, for now, I think these are pretty important as this is a RP site and should be better at handling RP-functions.