I was just curious as to where my fellow WTF members get their creativity / inspiration from! I mean, like, where do you draw ideas for role-plays, for characters, etc.

I know that, usually, ideas are created from an abundance of things (we get a little here and a little there and tie it all up with a bit of ourselves), but I wanted to know what is the usual factors that gets put into a) your role-plays and b) your characters.

For the most part, I'd assume you guys draw from different sources for the two. I also kind of wanted to know how do you guys create your characters! For instance, do you guys get inspired by an outside source and then replicate it? Or do you guys like to put pieces of familiarity into them? Etc?

And, if possible, it'd be cool if everyone just shared their insight on why they do it the way they do. The pros, the cons, etc. Also, feel free to talk about other proposed ideas. I think we need to get this subforum moving! It's such a nice place to refine our craft and whatnot. (:

(I'll share my own methods soon enough. I just wanted to give people a chance to put their own thoughts down and not make the whole thread a: let's respond to what Jing has written and how I agree or disagree with her position)....