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Thread: Sorcerer's Archives

  1. #1
    Elite IamEnzo's Avatar
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    Sorcerer's Archives.

    An in-depth look at Sorcerers, it's legendary students and teams, and the history of magic.
    Below is an explanation on what-is-what.
    Last edited by IamEnzo; 01-22-2013 at 04:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Elite IamEnzo's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    [ERROR: Unknown]
    This post will cover the Gaze, the Entites, and the Guardians.

    The Gaze

    . A realm that doesn't exist in our universe. It does not follow the same rules we follow. A notable change is time. For us, The Gaze moves very slowly. A day in our world could mean half an hour in the Gaze. Is there anyone in the Gaze? The answer is yes. The Gaze is a realm in which the deceased go. There, their souls take on their original body, and they reside there, as if it were their normal life, though they are fully aware that they are dead. There are towns, and cities that exist within the Gaze, but the only town we know of, is Anvil, a small, medieval themed settlement that Team Valor stumbled across when they were thrown into the realm unknowingly.

    Entities of the Gaze
    Names [From left to right]
    Solitude, Courage, War, Destruction, Tranquility, Luck, Darkness.

    Who are these striking gentlemen, you ask? They are the "Kings" of the Gaze. It's very possible for souls to fight among one another, and war could break out even in the Gaze. They make sure the peace is kept. Every few years, one of them is chosen to be the "leader' out of the 7. The current leader is Darkness.

    Guardians of Magic

    Enzo "Sky" Ferrari
    Sky Guardian
    Enzo Ferrari, referred to by some as "Sky", is a light-hearted, 'nobody left behind' kind of boy. He's easy to make friends with you, and quick to ignore your faults. Although his heart is good-willed, like everyone, he holds a violent side of him, which is only visible during his time in his hyper stage.

    Enzo's memories had been lost by unknown causes, but with each passing day, fragments of his past is restored. He's the Sky Guardian by blood, and will carry out his duty when it's called for, all the while, he spends his days with his friends.

    Volitaire Lucath
    Storm Guardian

    Coming from a long line of expert mages, Volitaire was forced to watch as his mother was murdered infront of his own eyes by another family, scared of their knowledge and power within the magic world. Volitaire barely escaped with his brother, and they both grew up together, learning the ways of magic in very different ways. Volitaire specialized in Black Magic, and soon befriended Enzo. Now, with his family avenged, he sides with Enzo in the ongoing conflict.

    Silver Nagano
    Mist Guardian

    Abandoned at birth by her parents, Silver was taken in by a skillful illusionist, who saw great power in her, and that she carried Pure blood. Then, she trained in swordsmanship and illusions, making a formidable foe and a powerful ally. She never pursued her parents, or tried to figure out her past, and despite her cold history, she has grown to be a nice person, and soon joined Volitaire and Enzo in their quest.

    Janus-Dante "JD" VanCise
    Lightning Guardian

    If you asked him how far his memories went back, he would tell you of how he and his sister, Eos VanCise, ran for their lives as they escaped the burning house they used to call home. They fled to a circus, where they learned of the world there. JD alone is a powerhouse, being the strongest physically of the Guardians. He's a brick wall to those that advance on his sister, and prince charming to Silver.

    It wasn't long before their abilities caught the attention of Sorcerers, and they were enrolled, and soon joined Volitaire, Silver, and Enzo in their struggle.

    Eos VanCise
    Rain Guardian

    Eos shared the same past as JD, they ran away from their home in fear of the people that set it ablaze.
    She stuck by her brother, JD, as they were taught the world inside of a circus. But unlike JD, Eos' personality is bubbly, and light. She focused on healing and defense. It didn't take her long to befriend the rest of the Guardians, and join their fight.

    Allochka "Sasha" Vetochkin
    Cloud Guardian

    Sasha came from a moderately big family, and unlike the other Guardians, she grew up and did things most girls couldn't or wouldn't do. She played sports with the boys of the neighborhood, and gave everyone the cold shoulder. It wasn't until recently that she moved to Japan in order to join Sorcerers, and as fate had it, ran into Enzo and the others.

    Last edited by IamEnzo; 01-28-2013 at 02:26 AM.


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