Title: Perils of Deep Hallow
Link: http://www.wtfrpg.com/forum/showthre...he-Deep-Hallow
Rating: General Audience
Player Level: Beginner

The people of the Haunted Hollow have noticed some strange things these past few days. Their children are vanishing, a headless horseman is riding around the village, people who cross paths with black cats are forgotten, rumors of a battle between fur and fangs is getting dangerously close, and the party down the street at the mansion hasn’t ended. What gives!

As Halloween gradually approaches, will the users of WTF rise up to defend the sleepy town of Haunted Hollow? From zombies to werewolves, witches to the Pumpkin King, this RP has everything you need to enjoy the feeling of chills up your spine. So grab your gear and help figure out what's been going bump in the night!