Title: Blue Lights
Link: http://www.wtfrpg.com/forum/showthre...93-Blue-Lights
Rating: General Audiences
Player Level: Intermediate

In a universe where Earth has been devastated by war, even far off colony planets are no longer safe for human life. Our species' only hope is Atlas. At a young age, you and many other were forced aboard this gigantic planet-ship, the first of its kind, and sent through space towards an unknown location. Will you be able to re-populate the world and save what's left of the Union? With 80,000 people aboard the Atlas, you can only hope that the flight will go smoothly...

Newly created, this RP does not yet have any posts! Will you help to fulfill its potential for a wonderful and engaging storyline? Post within the OOC thread in order to discuss potential characters, plot lines and help to get this RP off the ground.