What was the first style of RP you ever played/where? MSN chat rooms. Single line, speed role playing.
Do you still remember and/or use your first character? I remember the character, no I do not use her anymore (I made her 10 years ago when I was 13.)
What was the first internet (rp) game you played? It was a fantasy role play, I was a vampire, and my character + party had just returned from a raid on some village. We gathered around a huge bonfire celebrating a victory. I got drunk and flirted with my IRL friends character (he was the one who forced me into role playing, and I have loved it since) there was some snogging and cuddling and then I logged off.
- What was the first style of RP you ever played? My first RP was on NWN2, on a crappy roleplaying server called The Frontier.
- Do you still remember and/or use your first character? My first character was what I consider an early prototype of a character I used again. The original character had a very flat personality but some of her traits were re-used on the next server I played on (which I continue to play on to this day). I no longer play this character but I do enjoy playing albinos and I like reusing the name.
My first roleplaying experience was when I was too young to even know it was roleplay, my brother and friends and I used to do it all the time. I remember my "Best friend" at the time and I would do a sailor moon roleplay all the time. This wasn't written though, we just said what we did and ran around in the house pretending the rooms were the settings. It was a blast. Also I guess the games I played with my barbies were considered roleplaying. They were characters that had coherent storylines.
As for the first legit roleplay? It was an Inuyasha RPG on MSN Groups back when they still existed. I played Miss Rynn Arokit, a cat demon who could turn into a large white tiger (and if any of you rp with me in Haven, you know for a fact I still use her :P ) Back then she had black hair and red eyes cause I wanted to be all stereotypical, but then I decided to brutally overhaul her one night in the roleplay and she became the curly redhead with emerald eyes. This was a good decision, as it made one of the guys in the group (the one who played the two most interesting characters- the sacrificial good guy and then freaking sexy psychopath villain) take notice of her, and thus began the most epic love story in all of Rynn's roleplays. And trust me, over 8 years she's been in a LOT. She's my most well developed character and my favorite. She's my most versatile and has my favorite personality type.
Also the guy that played those two men, Alex, has become one of my dearest friends and we roleplayed up until about three years ago in all sorts of ideas.
First Tabletop?
DnD in January. Where I met my current boyfriend. He was the DM.
First Online?
MSN Groups. And also Neopets. These happened at the same time. I didn't like the neopets rps much, they had too many rules and a post limit. Gaia shortly after. For most of roleplaying career, however, I had one partner, Kaco, whom I did probably hundreds of threads with on our own private site. It was great. Some of the best stories i've read were told on that site. After a dead spell of futile Gaia searching in the land of Twitards and S/M junkies, I finally found my way to WTF and hope to have a great community of partners/groups hereSo far its off to a great start.
I saw this thread, read through some of it, and I just couldn't resist. Such a varied group with interesting rp pasts, I felt compelled to add my own response.
- What was the first style of RP you ever played? (like, was it over the internet freeform, tabletop, chat?)
My first experience with RP, not counting computer games (first of those was Interplay's Dragon Wars way back in the day. Go DOS based gaming!), was live action Vamprie the Masquerade my first year in college back in '99/2000.
- And where? (chat is, obviously, chat, but maybe it was over IRC, or IM, or something like that, email, forums, groups?)
Answered above, first year of college, all around the campus. We even took the game down to Gulf Port, MS for a convention and ran it down there for a night. Now that was a fun night. Random people coming into our game(s) taking over characters we'd made for different archs and changing them. One of my sabbat characters, a big burly former biker with a sever aversrion to authority, ended up becoming a lesbian that night when he got taken over by some random gal. Come to think of it, not really all that unfitting seeing as he went by M because his parents named him Marion, lol, but I digress.
- Do you still remember and/or use your first character?
I still remember Tristal, and still have his character sheet. They sat me down that first night to try and quickly explain the rules and the clans. Chose to play a Tremere because being a vampire mage sounded cool (I was 18, lol). I haven't played him in quite some time, though his character sheet is up-to-date as far as I'm aware based off the last info I got about his actions as an NPC after I left, seeing as I lost contact with the people I played with years ago.
If applicable:
- What was the first tabletop (rp) game you played?
First table top experience also happened to be VtM. We only did the live action story on Tuesdays, so over the weekends we'd occassionally all get together and play some table top stories as well. They also got me into DnD, ADnD at the time to be exact, though I wasn't so fond of it. I enjoyed the hell out of 3/3.5 though.
- What was the first internet (rp) game you played?
As far as actual games, first would have probably been when a friend of mine got me and another guy we worked with onto a forum he was on and he ran a story. Characters in that story had powers pertaining to elements (earth, wind, water, fire, light, dark), and he was a darkness character. Everyone thought he was crazy cause he swore the darkness talked to him. Turned out the voices were real, one being his mother who died protecting him years earlier, and the other was an ancestor of his who got imprisoned "for all eternity" for some rather horrible deeds (both of them were darkness users themselves, the trait being passed down family lines being part of the over all story plot). Kind of a trend with me, creating characters that have really screwed up backgrounds.
- How about your first chat game? Where was it on?
Chat rping started for me on Yahoo! back in the day... not that I'd really call much of that rping looking back on it now, lol. Met a couple really cool people I ended up IM rping with through it though, so it wasn't all bad. I had so many characters during my time in Yahoo. Also did some chat rping through the Cheetah Chat mentioned by a few people in this thread using a couple of my characters from yahoo. I also played on the Yahoo clone Ecxite(I think it was called) a few times, using ports of a couple of my Yahoo characters. The community on it wasn't as interesting as the one on Yahoo though, so I abondoned it quickly.
Last edited by shade_of_retribution; 12-18-2011 at 11:01 PM.
- What was the first style of RP you ever played? (like, was it over the internet freeform, tabletop, chat?)
Chat and...tabletop/paper? (Sorry, I'm unfamiliar with terms.)
- And where? (chat is, obviously, chat, but maybe it was over IRC, or IM, or something like that, email, forums, groups?)
AOL Instant Messenger/Notebook
- Do you still remember and/or use your first character?
I remember and I use aspects of her. Jenny was a bit of a horror for the other author to play with because she fought everything and was my only character for a while in. So bad.
"Ew. Did you check to see what date this raw milk expires?"
"Yeah, what happened?"
"I found a curd."
"Did you shake it?"
"It's the cream. The fat floats to the top."
"Oh, I just thought it was Bridgid's backwash the first couple of times."
"Wait, why didn't you say 'ew' when you thought that?"
- What was the first style of RP you ever played? (like, was it over the internet freeform, tabletop, chat?)
- And where? (chat is, obviously, chat, but maybe it was over IRC, or IM, or something like that, email, forums, groups?)
My cousin Etienne's house.
- Do you still remember and/or use your first character?
I still remember him (fondly even), but he's evolved so much since I made him (in huge part due to the fact that I've kept him for the length of my formative years and that his personality grew with me) and I just don't feel like making him go back to square 1 or writing his 5 page long biography again.
- What was the first tabletop (rp) game you played?
Killing puppies for Satan
- What was the first internet (rp) game you played?
Luster Academy for the demonically gifted
- How about your first chat game? Where was it on?
I freak out about 15 minutes into reading anything about the earth's core
when I realize it's right under me.
Me? Well my first RP was here on WTFRPG. My first was my friends, Faster than a Kiss. My character, to be honest, I can't remember her name because the RP was deleted before I got the chance to park her in the character pool. I wanted to improve her, so I was kinda disappointed when the RP was deleted. I just remember most of her history, abilities, and her description.
Hey, we weren't fated to meet by chance
I probably happened to be
the last place you took refuge in
~Last Cross by Masami Mitsuoka (5th OP of KHR)