Announcement time! Yay!

You may or may not have noticed some changes around the site. Some of them have been around for a few days and some of them just fell off the turnip truck. (Okay, that doesn't make a lot of sense, but "turnip truck" is such a great phrase, I can't resist!)

Here's an overview of the turnips! (I mean, recent updates!)

New features:
- New genre tag in the Character Pool: "Humor"!
- New OOC forum added!
- The [line][/line] BBCode works!

Bugs fixed:
- Users can add avatars!
- Users can edit their thread titles at any time!
- Avatars now auto-scale!
- Featured RPGs list properly!
- (Various little bugs that users probably won't have had problems with yet!)

- Spammers dumped!

I'll tell you about all of these things in my next post!