Clearly, I gave up. :3

Sooo... I'm a long-time roleplayer (read: I'm too lazy to calculate the actual years) who has been out of the writing scene for quite some time now due to that silly "real life" business that just always seems to get in the way. I actually started out on a Harry Potter-based site known as Hogwarts Extreme... if anyone else here recognizes that name, I will love you forever! But then I moved on to Gaia for awhile, then RPGChat, then back to Gaia, and apparently I signed up on Menewsha at some point, but could never get into the swing of things there... and then the Gaia RP-pool got so sad that it helped prompt me to give up writing for awhile. *sadface*

In any case, I'm really excited about the format of this place, because I have a recurring plot that I start back up every now and then, and it would just do PERFECT here, I think. ((You can't see it, but I'm squealing in delight!)) My plan is to slip into a few of other people's RPs first to start to get a feel for the place, and to hopefully make a few friends with whom I can plot with crazily before I get my shindig started. ;D

I get the feeling that everyone else here is pretty new too due to the influx of Menewsha-mail, yeah? Anyone have a freshly-started RP going that they're actively recruiting for?