Stop me if you've heard this before: I got an email courtesy of Menewsha Mail informing me that a new roleplaying community was opening up and, being a fan of the occasional roleplay session, I decided to check it out. I have to say, I'm very impressed; I've never been on a website that catered specifically to roleplayers the way this one does.

But I guess I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning.

I first got into roleplaying when I came to GaiaOnline, back in 2004. I had no concept of what roleplaying even was at that point. Eventually, a more experienced user took me under her wing and taught me the ropes. I fell in love with the concept of it, and started participating in roleplays on a regular basis.

Now, Gaia was very good to me, and I don't regret my time there in the slightest, but as an RP environment, it was... Less than ideal. A large majority of the characters at play were poorly-written author avatars (including my own characters, in the beginning), often disappearing without any further notice after making one or two posts. Occasionally, you could find that perfect storm of good writing, dependable players and free time that was necessary to ensure a great RP session, but it wasn't often.

I still maintain a couple of active RP threads on Gaia, but I've been wanting to spread my wings for some time now. WTFRPG seems tailor-made to that purpose. I'm hoping to put down roots here and stay for awhile.

I'll tell you up front, I'm not largely familiar with the way roleplaying is done outside of Gaia; truth is, I've never really RPed anywhere else. It may take me some time to adjust to the writing flow of WTFRPG. I must ask that you please bear with me, and please let me know if I'm doing anything incorrectly.

I'm Katz. Nice to meet you. Looking forward to writing with you soon.