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Thread: The Matrix Effect

  1. #1
    Apprentice nero123's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    The Matrix Effect

    Japan in the year 2023 all is peaceful in the city of Tokyo, the air is clean, everyone seems happy and machines do all the work. The recent discovery of Energy M has been a very popular topic but this energy links our world with another...the war torn world of Gilga ruled by a race known as the Razers, each having unique traits. The Razers have fought for eons until one took control, eventually they could use Energy M to open gates to Earth, when the first portals opened they emitted wazes of energy, some humans were sensitive to them and developed something now known as Matrix giving them unique abilities and the power to sense the portals when they open.

    When Gilga opened the first gates the beings known as the Cel'vet appeared through the same portals they appear human but they are surrounded by an aura when they fight. The Cel'vet are few but they fought for the Earth, the humans that developed a Matrix were somehow drawn to the fight where they discovered their abilities to create their Matrix weapon and their special powers.

    When the fight was over the Cel'vet explained everything about the Matrix Effect and how it was the key to protecting the Earth from the Invaders from Gilga. These special people are the only ones who can defend the Earth.
    A Matrix weapon is a special weapon that changes it's form as the person uses it more but they have to make sense like a pistol turning into an smg which turns into a rifle and so on.

    A persons power must fit into one of three groups

    Mental powers include things like telepathy, mind control and sensing
    Physical is increased speed, strength, resistant skin,ect
    Manipulation are powers like healing, telekinesis, draining anothers strength

    The playable Races are Cel'vet, Matrix Human and normal human. Razer characters are not allowed at this time.

    Any suggestions, comments, concerns maybe?
    Friendly Neighbourhood Gunsligner
    'Tag...you're it...*shoots*'

  2. #2
    Apprentice nero123's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Nothing..So you guys are saying scrap the idea?
    Friendly Neighbourhood Gunsligner
    'Tag...you're it...*shoots*'

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