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Thread: Hi-ho, yo.

  1. #1
    Background NPC Zanical's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Hi-ho, yo.

    Introductions are always a little awkward, right? It's not that I can't write them. I can write anything. I'm pretty much a badass. It's just the way things are, right? So, screw it, might as well get it over with.

    So, without any further ado.

    Hello you slim and fabulous reader you! Compliments are always a good place to start. I would've usually cursed a few times by now but this is my first post and I don't want to offend anyone. So if some unsavory language slips through, my bad. Hah, look at that. Still haven't said anything worth being in an introductory post yet I'm this far in. Focus. My handle is Zanical and I dig writing. Well, writing is cool and all but I haven't just sat down and written a story in the longest of time. So, while it's fine and all, it's not why I signed up here. But role-playing? Yeah, role-playing is definitely something that I at least try to do frequently. It's something that I have enjoyed for years. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's the escapism. Or an outlet for my imagination. Or maybe it's the interaction with the writers behind the characters. Most probably a combination of all of the above plus more. Whatever it is, it definitely has me coming back despite other things begging for my free time. And yes, I am looking at you Dark Souls. Seriously though, I do need to finish that game. It's totally sweet.

    So, ready the shock and horror, I haven't really been the biggest reader over the past few years. I used to be, back when I started writing in games, but that kinda slipped through the cracks as other things preoccupied my mind. But I recently started getting back into it in a big way thanks to Game of Thrones. I remembered reading the book a few years before I saw the television show and I always supposed to read the rest of the series but I never did. Until I saw the Ned Stark behead the deserter. Now I'm mid-way through A Storm of Swords, the third book. Not that they are the only books I've read. I've got a new favorite book in Mailman by J. Robert Lennon. And I've been getting into biographies as of late too, currently reading Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. Read it. It's awesome.

    And this has already gone on too long. I'll try to summarize the rest. I like pretty much the same things as everyone else. TV shows, movies (well, DVD's more than the cinema. I'm just more comfortable watching movies at home), music, video games. All that. They're where I draw ideas. Like, I'll be watching a movie and think 'Well, I would've done this.' type of deal. Or, and I'm not going to lie, I'll just blatantly rip ideas off. Don't judge me too harshly.

    I do prefer modern/present-day based settings with slight fantasy tinges but I like the odd high fantasy or medieval setting as well. It's just, I'm not entirely sure how my character would speak in such a setting. Yes, that's what stops me from writing characters in that time-frame more frequently. I so want to do something futuristic/sci-fi but I've never found anything that was, well, worth it? Yeah, that sounds a little dickish but I really don't know how else to put it. Basically, setting isn't the most important factor in the games I play in. Instead, if I find the outline to the game interesting I'm down to play.

    I'd say that I can write fairly well. Actually, I'd tell you I can write damn well. It's a confidence thing. I didn't always believe that what I've written was interesting. Still get that nervousness before hitting submit. But I've been working and will continue working on it.

    I'm really approachable, friendly, kinda witty and intelligent. All in all, just all-round awesome.

    And thats that, you smart and handsome reader. If you've read it all I thank you and if you skipped to the end, you're a clever cookie. There's nothing important up there anyway. Anywho, drop us a line some time. Maybe an invite to a role-play (please???). Hell, even berate me for rambling too much books while while neglecting your preferred hobby/past time/whatever. Or just rambling in general. I can and totally will go into more detail about almost anything. Almost anything. For example, I love rom-coms. And thats a subject I will not go into any more detail about.

    Remember that bit about ripping others off? Sorry Miss Grape Expectations. But hey, you know what they say. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

    Favorite superheroes: Dick Grayson, Booster Gold and the Punisher. But my comic fascination has dwindled somewhat as of late.
    Favorite TV shows: Game of Thrones and Supernatural.

    Oh, and I own a Playstation. So if you see the handle on PSN, please go easy on me.
    Last edited by Zanical; 04-26-2012 at 02:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Noble joonsexual's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    in bed, always

    Hey, welcome to WTF!

    And there's nothing wrong with an extended introduction. (:

    Also, lol, Dark Souls... I was just playing it a few weeks back with some friends. We made a deprived and ran around getting our asses kicked by monsters, players, and, ourselves. lol... Haven't touched it since, though.

    I think you'll fit right in — based on your preferences. We have a bit of all those things (space/futuristic and fantasy — with varying ranges). And, from the sound of your introduction, I think you'd make an excellent role-player. True story, bro. lol. I'd shoot you an invite to my RP, but... at the moment, the slots are a bit tight (only one slot left for grabs)... and... it's sort of super-fantasy. Sort of. Idk. I'm pretty bad with RP genres, LOL.


  3. #3
    Master Misaru's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    I agree with you, if the setting ain't up to speed how can you get lost in it?

    You need to be able to join games where you can become part of it and not think "Well, this part seems stupid." or "Why is this happening? Like seriously. Why."

    It just sucks you out you know?

    Dark souls. God damn it Sun Bro. Why Sun bro. Why.


    Would you stop pointing it out every time?

  4. #4
    Background NPC Zanical's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Thanks for the welcome, guys.

  5. #5
    Monarch Schizophrenic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Oh well hello there, welcome Zanical!

    Are you buttering me up? Oh ho ho, I am not above flattery... by no means at all. In fact, I roll around in any kind of compliment... fake or not. Bah haha. Wow. I love the way how you just like sold roleplaying to me. (Like I wasn't already in love with it.) Made me fall in love with the concept all over again.

    ... look at you... rambling. D'aw.... you are going to fit in just fine around here! ( Not that you weren't already telling yourself that. ;D ) Anyway, I'll be sure to bother you often. Just because I was invited to. I really must.

    .... again, welcome!!
    And I hope you have not a single still moment.

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