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Thread: OOC : Possible Plot Twists

  1. #1
    Clumsy Apprentice MMOgamer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Philadelphia, PA
    These are plot twists that I would like to have in the story... they mainly belong to the beginning.

    - Allistre is slow to mobilize its armies
    - Allistre gets attacked
    - Gears (Kyle and his team) come in and help the princess and her young guards escape. Kyle doesn't tell them he's the prince
    - The group teams up, reluctantly

    - A lot of near Death situations and the group gets closer.
    - The group gets captured and thrown into a large pit.
    - Possible Black Mage/Gear Outlaw (or both.) in the pit with them.

    - They reach the final battle field and Find out that the Kings of Both Kingdoms are dead... Therefore Kyle (Whose Identity has been revealed by this time) is Considered King...

    Any other suggestions will be put here. So submit them via PM..

    The UNDERLINED/BOLD means they're definitely happening.
    Last edited by MMOgamer; 04-09-2012 at 11:48 PM.

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