Idk if this is a popular genre for people on WTF, but... lately, I've been getting more into League of Legends (LOL) as I wait for more people to get DOTA2 keys. (:

I don't know what I wanted to say, just wanted to know if people here played these games and... if they did, we should exchange usernames and, you know, play together. Of course, if you guys want to play LoL, you'll have to understand that I'm relatively not-try-hard and play very, very relaxed. I'm also kind of a troll.

But, s'all good, it's for the shits and giggles, obviously.

Anyway, yeah, just wanted to bring this up 'coz... I was rewatching some of the matches I missed during the DOTA2 tournament (the one that was hosted by Valve with a $1 million prize bowl for the winning team and assorted constellation prizes for other teams).

But derpderp.