A letter to those concerned,

So my life is a series of unfortunate events. But I really think I will finally be back to a semi- regulated lifestyle after this dreadful weekend is over. My medication is finally set, and won't be increased for a while. I am down to only three therapy appointments a month, and I've finally got a hold of the drama that has been attacking my life.

I really do apologize if I have been distant, and out of sorts lately. I've honestly been really moody and I tend to isolate when I get like that so I don't offend or upset my friends. Tonight will probably be a really difficult night for me, but I hope with every ounce of my being I'll wake up tomorrow a different person.

I would really like to start jogging after this. Oh, and drink more water. I hear physical activity and water will help regulate my sleep and cut down on my need to nap when I get home from work. I already eat pretty healthy so I don't need to worry about that.

Ah, but it seems like I'm rambling. Long story short. Things had to get worse before they got better. And I really think I can only go up from here. I'm sorry to everyone I've detached myself from, I still love and care about you. Thank you for putting up with me.
