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  1. #1
    Noble joonsexual's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    in bed, always

    Think of this index as a user's manual for the game. Consult it religiously.

    Last edited by joonsexual; 03-02-2012 at 02:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Noble joonsexual's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    in bed, always

    Fighting / Dice Rolls

    In order to ensure some semblance of fairness, player/player fights will be conducted utilizing a dice-system. All player/player fights (unless otherwise noted) must adhere to the following rules of combat.


    To begin a fight sequence, the initiator is required to roll three ten-sided dice in this thread.

    In order for the attack to land, two out of the three dice must be an odd number. However, simply rolling two odd numbers does not constitute a successful blow. For an attack to be "successful," the collective value of the two greatest odd numbers must be greater than 7. If the collective value of the two greatest odd numbers is less than 7, the attack is recognized as a weak or partial blow.

    If the initiator failed to roll at least two odd numbers then the attack, as a whole, was missed or blocked.

    That is the general outline for how fights are conducted. However, in special circumstances (which will be noted publicly in the OOC), the rules of combat may change.


    The initiator will post first, to signal the desire to begin combat.

    E.G. The Piper, seeing an opening, dashed forward, sword raised.

    The "desire" portion should be near or at the end of the post and should not be a "completed" sequence. Essentially, the initiator's post should not reveal the success or failure of the attack. After the initiator has posted, he or she will roll three ten-sided dice in this (link to come). The results of the roll will be reflected by the target of the attack.

    The following is a rough skeleton for how fights will be viewed/displayed in the IC:

    Player 1 decides that he or she wants to attack Player 2.

    Player 1 writes a fabulous post about sneaking up on Player 2 and, when Player 2's guard is down, Player 1 strikes. Player 1's post ends with an "incomplete" action.

    After having made the post, Player 1 then goes to this thread to roll. Let's say, for the sake of education, Player 1 was successful in getting two odd numbers, but the collective value of the two greatest odd numbers was lower than 7.

    Player 2 is now free to write his or her response.

    Because the attack was a partially-unsuccessful blow, Player 2 will suffer reduced damages. In Player 2's post, Player 2 may choose to write something along the following lines:

    Player 2, at the last second, catches sight of Player 1 and, reflexively, raise his or her weapon to guard. Player 2 was able to successfully avoid the brunt of the damages, but, unfortunately, suffered peripheral damage. At the end of Player 2's post, Player 2 has decided to return fire.

    Player 2 goes through the same dice process as Player 1. And, once again, for education's sake, Player 2 rolls similar results.

    Player 1 writes that Player 1 was able to spot the attack, but, due to some reasons, unable to parry the blow. Instead, Player 1 chooses to dodge. Player 1 does not escape unscathed and has suffered injuries to his or her left arm.

    This sequence continues until someone dies or someone flees or some truce has been reached.

    The damages and injuries suffered is left at the discretion of the victim. While the dice-mechanism governs the results of the fight, the "visual" aspect of the battles are left to the discretion of the writers involved.

    In addition to the standard dice rolls, there are a few special rolls.


    If the attacker rolls two even numbers that has a collective value of either 4 or 20, the target of the attack earns the right to counter-attack, in addition to a regular attack. The counter-attack cannot be blocked or parried and functions as a "successful hit."

    The individual implementing a counter-attack does not need to roll for the counter-attack (it is automatic, but must be written into the post for it to be acknowledged), but the individual will be required to roll for their normal attack.

    Finally, if the victim of an attack does not wish to engage in battle, they can opt to flee. In order to successfully flee, the player must roll two twenty-sided dice and earn a collective value of 14 or greater. If the victim successfully rolls a collective value of 14 or greater, the victim of the attack (while still honoring the initiator's dice results) can successfully escape. The attacker cannot pursue.

    However, if the individual fails to roll a collective value of 14 or greater, the individual cannot escape the fight and has burned a turn, which allows the attacker a second attempt to attack.

    When writing, it is advised that players keep in mind their opponent's rank in relation to their own.

    Last edited by joonsexual; 03-02-2012 at 09:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Noble joonsexual's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    in bed, always


    Each player is given a tube of seven colored pills. Each pill has a unique effect when consumed. When a character runs out of pills they do not get replenished.

    Red: Temporarily boosts strength attributes (lasts five rolls).

    This particular pill is relatively straight-forward. When consumed, the affected character will earn a significant increase in his or her damage output.

    How does this augment the dice rolls? Consumption of the Red Pill removes the "greater than five" stipulation. In order to land a successful hit, the affected player will only require the roll of two odd numbers. However, if your opponent consumes a Yellow Pill, the effects of the Red Pill are nulled.

    Orange: Temporarily boosts dexterity (lasts for five rolls).

    For clarification purposes, the term "dexterity," in this context, will be used synonymously with the concepts of "accuracy." When consumed, the affected character will experience a significant increase to his or her aim.

    How does this augment the dice? When consumed, the Orange Pill grants the player the option to roll a fourth dice to improve his or her chances at a successful hit.

    Yellow: Temporarily boosts agility (lasts for five rolls).

    Again, for clarification purposes, the term "agility," in this context, will be used synonymously with the concepts of "dodging." When consumed, the affected character will have an increased probability of avoiding hits.

    How does this augment the dice? Unlike the Red or Orange Pills, the Yellow Pill affects your opponent's rolls. For the next five turns, your opponent, in order to land an effective hit, must roll two odd numbers with a collective value greater than twelve. Two odd numbers with a collective value under twelve will result in a weaker hit. Additionally, the consumption of a Yellow Pill will nullify the boosts earned from a Red Pill taken by an opponent.

    Green: Temporarily boosts cellular regeneration (lasts for three rolls).

    After consumption, the affected character will require less time for recovery and can, therefore, launch into attacks quicker.

    How does this augment the dice? The Green Pill, unlike the previous pills, will not affect the dice rolls. Instead, the affected player has the opportunity to be written without the hindrance of damages or wounds. However, with that said, the recovery time of the Green Pill is not instantaneous (although very close) and recovery should be written accordingly (but a lot of leeway is given).

    Blue: Temporarily boosts stamina regeneration (lasts for three rolls).

    Characters who take a Blue Pill will require less time to catch their breath. Additionally, they can use their weapon's attribute with greater freedom.

    How does this augment the dice? Much like the Green Pill, which does not directly affect the dice rolls, the Blue Pill does not augment the results of the rolls. Instead, the Blue Pills allow the character to use their weapon's attributes without wasting an Attribute Point.

    Indigo: Recovers both health and stamina (instant).

    Instantly boosting both Health and Stamina. This is, however, a one-time event.

    How does this augment the dice? Again, the Indigo Pill does not directly (or even indirectly) affect the results of a dice roll. The Indigo Pill, however, offers the consumer instant gratification of health and stamina, which, in a long-drawn fight, can be unusually handy. It grants the affected player a rejuvenated position (substantially recovering from most injuries and returns 5 Attribute Points).

    Violet: Revives "fainted" players (instant).

    The Violet Pill is, perhaps, the most useful pill of the group. However, the pill must be taken before the point of death. If, during a fight, your character is killed, the consumption of a Violet Pill will, at a slightly delayed time, revive them — completely.

    How does this augment the dice? There are no effects on dice.

    Last edited by joonsexual; 03-02-2012 at 05:06 AM.

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