Why hello, all!
I may know some of you.
I've done a bit on here already.
But I've been lazy.
And haven't made any friends.
My reality complex forces me to search
for some, because, I need to know
I'm talking to real people.
I lie a lot. But, I'll tell you if I do.
It's a flaw. Yet I like it.
Uhm, I also am supposed to go
to therapy for OCD.
I have three fish tanks full of guppies.
No, I will not eat them. Or flush them.
I like octopodes, grammar, tea, and YACHT.
and dinosaurs.
OH! I also like to roleplay. It assists me
to procrastinate endlessly.
So, if you want to roleplay, I'd really love
it. So, link me to a search thread,
or shoot an idea here.

Rambling, complete.
Love, Stormi.