Bleh, I don't know what to talk about. I'm supposed to leave for a wedding on Thursday. I want to go but I'm not sure I want to go with my boyfriend.

He seems to forget that I exist. He doesn't call, unless I'm in bed. He doesn't text, unless it's worthwhile for him. I feel like I'm no longer an important part of his life. When he lived with me, he would tell me that he needed time with friends and family. He would Skype the guys for 2 hours and just goof around. But now that he's moved out? Now that he lives with family and friends... he just leaves me. He doesn't find two hours to talk to me, like he would demand when he was with me.

I know I'm far from perfect, but this lack of communication is really starting to kill me. I'm really not sure how much more of this I can endure. I've lived like this for the past year. It sucks. I feel insignificant and miserable. He wonders why I'm insecure and in constant need for communication. How would he like it if I stopped talking to him. Stopped caring. Stopped loving. How would he like it if I just walked away.

I just... I just don't know what to do anymore.