Okay so to explain, I'm in my final year of college and that means I have to propose, plan, and write research papers. I'm actually doing two this quarter. I'm also in my higher-up packaging classes that require me to put a lot more effort into the course. And for anyone who has taken marketing, you will understand me when I say that one maarketing class enough could be enough to keep me busy all quarter.

Long story short, this is the year that counts. These are all my core classes that are going to mean something to future employees. In addition to that, I am in about six various clubs/organizations so I am keeping busy with those too. I will, as expected, still be volunteering and doing community service when I can. So with all those outside things in play, you can assume my time on here will be limited.

On that note, I'm also trying to be more social. In the past, I have burnt myself out by week seven and spent the next four weeks in a super stressed state. To avoid that, I am spacing things out and making time for hanging with people - but it's usually only two hours twice a week.

So yeah, that's why I'm not around. I might also drop a ton of roleplays, keeping only those I GM or private ones. I don't foresee myself engaging in as many roleplays as I have in the past. I guess I'm "growing up" in that sense and realizing that roleplaying isn't the core of my existance.