I'm posting in a "dead" thread. I don't care. I also don't care that I'm responding to a common made almost a year ago.

1. I don't think a GM is under any obligation to accept all interested players. It doesn't make sense that a GM has to let anyone who can read, join their game. I don't care how much time the player puts into reading and comprehending a game's information, if they aren't up to snuff, the GM shouldn't let them join. The whole idea of "I spent X time reading through your shit means I deserve a role!" is a really shitty and entitled attitude.

Plus, the long-term ramifications of letting some under-qualified person join a game would be devastating to the role-play.

2. GMs aren't responsible for babying people. While it's nice to be courteous to players (even when rejecting them), some players are just going to take shit the wrong way. As with life, some people are just balls at handling rejection (or any kind of negativity). Even if a GM is careful in how they address rejection, some people are just going to blow shit out of proportions. Hell, some people even have the audacity to underhandedly slam the GM for being bad at what they do.

I've always role-played in "competitive" games (games that require all interested players to make profiles with no guarantee of acceptance) and I've seen people act out. Fuck, I've been on the bad end of people being absolute dicks when they get rejected. And, in all honesty, I have never once casually dismissed a player. Every rejection letter is carefully worded. They may not be the most comforting of letters (I'm not going to go out of my way to make up lies because it benefits no one), but it's technical and it's professional. I politely say no, thank you and hopefully there's no bad feelings.

But, who am I kidding? Some people have the ego of a fucking ripe tomato. :/

I realize that this post is entirely irrelevant to the original question being asked. So...

1. I don't join games that are running in twenty different directions at the same time. Complex plots are good. Overly complicated plots are a fucking nightmare. I don't want to join a role-play and then later learn that it was actually ten role-plays at once.

Plus, these kinds of role-plays usually fall apart early.