Right. I'm gonna make this as short and sweet as possible. (:

edit: i would like to try a malexmale roleplay. i have never done one before, though, so i would like to - perhaps - do something like straightxgay, with my straight guy realising his real feelings, of course. we could incorporate any of my plots, too. just.. an idea. help me out? xD

also just as in the mood for het, as usual. ^^


- I only roleplay over AIM, MSN or Skype.
- I have no limits. I prefer minimal limits, but I will go by yours. I promise.
- Literate, please. That doesn't necessarily mean millions of paragraphs. It just means decent writing, decent length, and definitely helping the plot along.
- I play females. *watches everyone run* I know, you now hate me. But I promise my girls aren't shitty, boring, whimpering girlies. They're outspoken and confident, with flaws. Mmm, love 'em.
edit: i'm slightly in the mood to play a male. but i'm incredibly picky, as i hate most female characters. if your character is shy, whiny, or in any way a giggly mary-sue, i'll hate her. and i won't continue the roleplay with you. it is a pre-warning, here. you have been warned, people. xD
- I adore using pictures for my characters. I'm a very visual person. But only 'real-life' pictures, if we use them.
- No simpering, wimpy, shy, emo, annoying little boy characters, please. They don't work with my characters, and never will. Sorries. (:
- I'm also in the mood to play a complete and utter bitch, so if you have any ideas where I can play a total cow - please tell me. xD


So, I decided to put some pairings down.
Bolded is the character I prefer. If nothing is bolded; I don't care.
In red are the pairings I'm craving.

Celebrity x Fan
Bad Boy x Good Girl
Bad Girl x Good Boy
Teacher x Student
Runaway x Rich Person
Rich Kid x Poor Kid
Celebrity x Non-Fan
Coach x Athlete
Teenage/Adult Prostitute/Stripper x Client/Cop
Boxer x Manager's Daughter
Abusive Relationship
Vampire x Human
Best Friends
Teenage Mother x Friend/Teacher/Random
Friend x Friend (friends with benefits kinda-idea. with it going wrong.)
Middle-Aged Man x Son's Crush
Mind-Reading Teacher x Troubled Student (I would write out a plot, but the pairing makes a plot in itself, really.)
Online Friends (the friends meeting up for the first time? added twists would be fun. merging with a vampirexhuman pairing, perhaps? or something else. bring it. xD)

Feel free to merge the pairings/come up with similar pairings.
I love plots - can't roleplay without a plot - so come up with one, or we can do it together.

Here are my plots:

She has it hard. If ever there was an example of someone being dealt pretty bad cards in life; it was her. Her home life isn't great, she doesn't have a huge amount of friends, she isn't the prettiest girl in the world, and she has to work hard for every single penny she has.
Despite all that, she is the happiest, most positive person you could ever meet. Nothing seems to bring her down, and she's constantly bringing people up.
He, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. His life is perfect. Perfect home life, plenty of friends, and he has as much money as he wants, without having to life a finger.
He, though, is not happy. He is cynical, negative, depressed and depressing. He doesn't know what it is like to really need anything; he only has to click his fingers to get whatever he wants - yet he is constantly moaning; never happy.
So, what happens when she begins to work for his family? What happens when the happiest girl in the world with nothing, meets the most depressing guy in the world who has everything? Does she bring him up? Or does he drag her down?

Best Friends (1):
They have known each other since they were both tiny. They were very similar growing up, but as they got into their teenage years, they both changed. He parties, drinks, and sleeps around - he's the reckless one, whereas she is the more sensible one. She doesn't drink, she's a virgin, and she goes to parties, but doesn't 'party'.
They both love each other to death, though. Their differences mean nothing to them both. Other people may find it strange, but they don't.
Until their feelings towards each other differ, that is. They find themselves liking each other in a different way. And /now/ it's weird.

(Or we could do it the other way around. The girl being the partier; the guy being straight-edge. I don't mind either way. =])

Best Friends: (2)
They have known each other for years; they are best friends - no one else even comes close.
However, when they are both about 16, she realises she is attracted to him. A more-than-a-friend attraction. She musters up the courage and finally tells him how she feels about him, and that she wants to date him.
He, however, doesn't feel the same. He doesn't want a girlfriend, he has too much going on, and is convinced that a relationship with her would ruin the friendship they have. Though, he also thinks that telling her 'no' would ruin their friendship, too. So, what does he do?

He tells her that he's gay.

He's not, of course. He's completely straight. He's had girlfriends before, and she knows it. But, he simply claims that it proves he is definitely gay; he's tried and tested, and it's not for him.
This means, though, that he now has to pretend he's gay. Potentially forever. Bad decision? Yeah, pretty bad.

Skip forward a couple of years, and they're 17 or 18; she has a boyfriend that she has been dating for almost a year, and the best friend finds himself incredibly jealous. He doesn't want his best friend dating anyone except him.
Unfortunately, she still thinks he's gay. And, after all this time, he can't really take that lie back, can he?

Stripper x Client:
He is having a lot of trouble with his wife/long-term girlfriend. He decides to go away for a little while and books himself into a hotel somewhere far away from home. Going out one night, he finds himself at a strip club; not to necessarily DO anything, but just to have some drinks and think over his snap-decision to get away from his wife/girlfriend.
There, he meets a stripper who is definitely not old enough to be working in a place like that. She is seventeen, at the oldest. She is persistent and persuasive; wanting to give him what she thinks he 'wants', but he declines, though he pays her anyway.
Living around the same area - she on her own somewhere, and he at a hotel, they see each other a few more times, and he realises he wants to help her. A girl of that age shouldn't be a stripper; in his opinion.

She's not a 'good kid'. She smokes, she drinks, she does drugs - 'you only live once' is her motto. Why not enjoy yourself?
All other teachers have given up on her. They accept that she is going nowhere, fast. Besides, she's barely in their classes for them to care, anyway.
Except one teacher. He can't help but want to help her. No; /need/ to help her. She's not having it, though - she doesn't want his help. Why can't he leave her to fail like everyone else? But he's very persistent. He wants her grades up, he wants her to take life more seriously, and he wants her to have ambitions; dreams - it's not going to be an easy ride, though.

Age Gap:
He was 17. She was 21. He was in Highschool, and she was in College. They had met at a party and taken an instant liking to each other; they were similar, they got on well, and if they were to get together; /damn/ would it be good.
However, he is uncomfortable with the age gap. He doesn't like the idea of having a girlfriend who is older than him - he feels like it might be patronising, demeaning. So he leaves. And she doesn't follow.

Four years later, they meet again. He is 21, and she is 25. Now the age gap doesn't seem so bad. But he has a girlfriend; a girlfriend he has proposed to. The feelings are still there between the two, but now things are a lot more complicated than before.

The plots are purposely vague so we can bring our own spin to them. ^^

So, up for it?
If you are:

AIM: flashyelephants
MSN: flashyelephants@hotmail.co.uk
Skype: Ask me for this. (:
