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12 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Hi, I'm having an issue where I am unable to upload a custom avatar. It will not show me the option to upload a custom avatar at all. If you can help me out that would be amazing and you have all my thanks.
  2. View Conversation
    Awesome none the less. The spam was getting pretty bad the last few days. Thanks for all the work. <3
  3. View Conversation
    If you have handled the bots, and I assume you have seeing as there are none online . . . . thank you, thank you so much. > w <
  4. View Conversation
  5. Is there a way to completely delete a game?
  6. View Conversation
  7. View Conversation
    Thank you for answering my question . . . I got another one . . . how does one override / change or remove a poll from their thread?
  8. View Conversation
    Quick question, is there a thread that explains what "Beginner, Intermediate and Advance" are. I know I came across one but I can't remember in which thread.
  9. View Conversation
    okay so there was a question here originally but I figured it out. So have a gif instead.

  10. View Conversation
    Alright, just wanted to make sure. Since my RP has two, one is a general over all OOC and the other one is a specific planning thread.

    Another question are RP Hosts not allowed to delete locations if there are posts in them? If so can we be given the ability to delete post, because i have some unwanted locations and I've made posts in them and now i can't delete them or the posts. Makes me sad.
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  1. Aerion Aerion is offline

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    WTF RPG.com's very own chaotic Multiverse. Come practice rpging or look for a quick gaming fix.

    Edward the janitor   (played in The WTF Multiverse)
    Cleaning his way to happiness