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Conversation Between Strude and Maneki Neko

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah I was thinking movie version! >D

    Awesome, boards been interesting the last while . . .
  2. Movie version: adorable | sexy
    Other versions: no idea. >_> I thought he was a kid sidekick in the original source.

    Getting slowly caught up in wtf is going on on wtf.
  3. How To Play >>> http://www.wtfrpg.com/forum/showthre...-or-LORD-MERCY

    Bucky (Captain America)

    not my type | alright | cute | adorable | hot | sexy | LORD MERCY
  4. Sure - though it's probably easier if we found a thread to chat in. xD Hop into Barbie thread?
  5. Can you hop on vent to explain this live thing to me?
  6. I don't mind that, actually. If a game is more on the fun/campy side, I'm a little bit less critical than if they're on the serious side. But I can be pretty particular myself. :x It's part of what made it difficult for me to choose, though it seems a little bit easier now that there are more active players making games.
  7. I have such a hard time picking a game each week. I think I'm just overly critical.
  8. I basically have Thursday claimed for myself, unofficially.
  9. Oh - I probably ought to Feature someone again myself. ._.; I need to figure out what day people aren't using and then start trolling the RPs like I started to do the other week and then got distracted from. >_>;

    Speaking of RPs. >_>; ::runs off to work on write-up for her game::
  10. Thanks, it doesn't let me do it myself. I'll get around to featuring a game here later today. ^__^' Figured I should get MAPS! off the list, it had its week! XD
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