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Conversation Between Tigerkytti and HakuJounin

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. *pokes* OwO
  2. lol, i'm looking forward to it~ xD
  3. lol maybe
  4. so you will show it to me? x3
  5. lol a good way to learn is through application, such as rping
  6. yes OwO everything i need to know! x3
  7. Oh you've no idea what you've just asked for, but ok *EG*
  8. thats fine, it'd bound to happen sooner or later, right? x3 so teach me your ways~!
  9. Haha, you'll just get yourself corrupted that way lol
  10. lol give me some of that corruptioness xDD dirty dirty mind! I'll make it all better~
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
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