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Conversation Between SedatedDemon and Strude

9 Visitor Messages

  1. YO! Okay, I recently purchased a minecraft server and I am thinking of holding a classic minecraft survival game. If you're interested check out this THREAD HERE! It's a team based game and there are some minor prizes (I'm broke, but hopefully a free video game works for you! >D If you don't already have them!)
  2. TUNES ARE LIVE: http://plug.dj/-chill-sector-/ COME LISTEN. COME DJ!
  3. Hey we revived the plug.DJ room for WTF and a bunch of us are hanging and playing tunes. Care to join us?

  4. Interest Gathering ABDUCTION SUPER HERO ROLEPLAY signal boost.
  5. Revived an old project I interest checked a few months ago. Feel free to take a look and delete this message!

    sorry if I already posted this and you deleted it. I keep forget who I've boomed with this. Sorry sorry.
  6. Hello, I'm Strude and I don't get on WTF much lately. However, I just wanted to promote my game and feel free to delete this VM after (or if you're so inclined before) you've read it:

    Recruiting for AMBERWOOD.

    Concept: Amber Wood is a trafficking ring focused on the trade of exotic humanoids and is owned by a wealthy aristocratic named Roswell Curt. The Amber Wood estate, located deep in the countries desert, is used as the aristocracies central trading hub. However, Amber Wood is the next target of a malicious team of "freedom fighters” as they so call themselves. A mismatched team of ex-slaves freed by an anonymous man code named Boss. They are driven by a code to help those so unfortunate to be wrangled and forced into the Amber Wood ring. These Freedom Fighters strive to destroy Amber Wood from the inside out.

    Come check it out and spread the word!
  8. Hello, I just wanted to direct your attention to this thread. The moderators want to put in place an award system, and we'd love the board members opinion. Thanks for you time and your suggestions and input.
  9. Just letting you know I had to move your search thread to the adult 1x1 search forum. Since your thread does ask or allow adult content. ^____^ Thanks.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9