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Conversation Between PrincessofScorchingFlame and ArtNightshade

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Actually it seems that neither of them have been on for the past week either. =/ Hopefully the roleplay doesn't die. I've been through that way too much on other sites
  2. yea :/
  3. I hope they show up soon. It would be really awful if they didn't =(
  4. I know. I was waiting to see if anyone else would post :/
  5. It's understandable. I was just getting a bit worried. I mean the other two haven't really been around either.
  6. Just hangin around over there and sorry I haven't been on, been so busy
  7. Hey, I was wondering what's going on with the Experiments roleplay. .-.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7