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Conversation Between The Grim Pickler and ArtNightshade

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Wait wait wait. If he's crazy he'd be in the staff. Read the info about the roleplay, crazy people are normal, normal is crazy. He could be a staff member, but you'll have to tweak the history, because his family would be crazy too.
  2. Question for the sane rp. Are the characters suppose to be sane then sent to the hospital to be insane or the opposite?
  3. Thanks a bunch! C:
  4. Ok!
  5. Hey, join my roleplay. Mental Hospital for the Sane. It needs people or it's gonna die.
  6. oh, ok gottcha
  7. Yeah no, he's just trying to turn a blind eye so Jenny can go in Soleil's doorm if she wants
  8. Oh! Ok thx
  9. Wait, setting off as in mad? Because he's not mad. Just soleil thinks that not you right? sorry for my confusion I just wanna make sure you know.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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