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Conversation Between perfectimperfection and Cows Go Moo

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. I think I like the idea of him running away from some creatures and bumping into Mulan. She could spot the monsters from afar and could offer her help but at a price of course! How does that sound? A little banter and such
  2. xD well I was thinking that they could be in the village by where the giant will be roaming around/attacking. Jack's running, either to go get something (or maybe from some creatures) and ends up bumping into Mulan. She could be all like "wtf is wrong with you" or something similar depending on what you had in mind for what happens after they meet. Jack is kind of bad at this survival thing haha
  3. Hm... I have thought of a scenario AFTER they meet xD but not the initial meeting! So I'm a little brain dead right now so I apologize now, but do you have an idea?
  4. Hey, just wanted to drop by and ask if you had any ideas on how Mulan and Jack could meet o:
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