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Conversation Between zach10arrow and Strude

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Although, and this is going to be totally shameless, don't turn your back on this place either. It's a pretty nifty site, the system is damn awesome. I personally love it, you can make really interesting RPs that don't follow traditional linear paced single thread format! >D
  2. Sorry about that. Even if I didn't know your RL age I couldn't do much to help.
  3. nahh your not that old and yeah there are some but its what ever always more oppurtunitys else were
  4. Naw it's okay man. I always forget RPN has such a young userbase (and that I'm just old! >D).
  5. well sorry about that i didnt know i didnt mean to make it uncomfortable ill just go sorry man
  6. Well I can't do anything for you, and I won't lie RPing with a 15yo is a bit uncomfortable for me considering it is an adult rated RP. You're 11 years younger than me bruh!
  7. im 18 no not really actually i am 15 but since we were doing something like this i was going to but myself at 18 but i fat fingered
  8. Are you actually 15 and or under the age of 18?
  9. i may have fat fingered with my aged and made myself 15 by accident and i cant join now
  10. What'da mean? What happened?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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