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Conversation Between Happydeath and GoddessLuna

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. true :3 that could be good indeed ^^
  2. Nope only the leader. She may have had a good reason we don't know yet :3!
  3. OwO so im going to be part of the clan who is the woman who betrayed the other clan. Dangg...does that make me a bad person Q^Q
  4. Yeah Ravnica was going to be the one wanting revenge against The Black Rose. Black Rose's leader is the women who betrayed the old leader of Ravnica.
  5. Ohhh :3 sounds interesting. I'm probably going to go with the black rose clan for my demon. I dunno why, just saying and hearing the word black rose makes it sound so...i cant even think of a word for it. xD

    Although if you want my opinion. I would probably say that the clan that wants revenge would be Ravnica. I have that same feeling for how I felt about black rose..but for Ravnica it just feels more..dark...to me at least. xD It sounds like a group that would want revenge, from just the name.
  6. Hmmm Yeah sort of I just need all of the clans information written up and such and pretty much two of these clans was on freindly terms untill the leader of one betrayed another. They were together and she wanted to get close to kill him and take his power. And the Clan gets a new leader who wants revenege and will kill any other clans who get in the way or side themselves with that clan. I am figuring out which clan does that. THere will be 5 clans.
  7. Well have you decided for what the 'great betrayal' was yet? So that the reason behind why all the fighting started? o.o
  8. No problem :3! If you have any ideas I would love to take them :3!
  9. Lol i noticed it was still a work in progress, but since i love demons and angels. I really liked the idea that there is kind of like a city version of it around now. ^^ Tankies for accepting mesa.
  10. Yes you can its not ready yet though :3! I am still working on it :3!
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