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Conversation Between SUPERKICKS and Syrasya

9 Visitor Messages

  1. ohh btw, we dont have a student council room?
  2. Rapunzel's cute, too! Had to make her as hyperactive as Rapunzel!
  3. *leglomps Romey. Shes soooo cuteeeee gahhhhh xDD
  4. Nope! There are more students around, they just don't matter as much as our characters! :P So, you can have 'Fake' friends. If you don't want to be friend with the other students immediately.
  5. Oh yeah, wanted to ask u. are the chrcters in this RP the only students in the academy? or are there other students walkg around?
  6. I did! I did! <3

    They were fantastic! I've never watched beast master, but it doesn't matter. The characters can have some quirks that their counterparts don't have. Makes them more... unique and modern.
  7. Yeahh u love him!
    *panda shake*
    hahah it seems i subconsciously made him more similar to leo (beastmaster) than the actual eric.
    btw, did u notice the eric quotes i put at the end? *pokepoke*
  8. I love your Lucas Character! He's hilarious! And he really capture Eric(In my mind).

    I think I'm going to have to make him Romey's crush! ;D
    (Not ending couple... Just Crush.)
  9. Was thinking of applyg another charcter. Is it okay if I use a real person for the pic?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9