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Conversation Between Fluttershy and Cyrus_Knight

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Working on replying now. I'm sorry, I got distracted. The weirdest thing has happened....someone who knows my minecraft information bought the game. It's really weird. 0.o Anyway. There's bunnies now. Replying.
  2. Kay. Sleep well. I'll probably head to bed soon anywayz. Also. You guys forgot to bring the broom. v.v
  3. hey im kinda tired so ill do some more tomorrow
  4. Post on the other person's page when you reply. It lets them know, other wise they might not. I learned that the hard way.

    ^u^ I you wanna practice, we could do a short one, or even set up a group one if you'd like. I have a ton of free time anyways. ^u^ When you come over later we could set it up and I can show you all the advanced features.
  5. -rolls on page- Whatchu think so far?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5