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Conversation Between veriloquent. and a91nicole

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh yeah, you'll be just fine.

    We are a great bunch. Specially me n xavirne lol
  2. well, at the moment, just the one, lol.

    but, i'm sure my overly "winning" personality will garner me more... i jest. but the community seems very nice and friendly. it's somewhat refreshing.
  3. very very true. Well now, you have friends lol
  4. i think, often times, being without friends is, well, rather depressing, lol.
  5. well i felt it was my duty as an old fogey around here to help the new guys feel welcome. Also something about that phrasing was just depressing lol.
  6. hahaha, no harm. this is the internet, after all.

    but, thank you, for considering the state of my... friendlessness... on the board, lol. c:
  7. I didn't add you as a friend to be creepy I promise, I did it because your little friend box says "Veriloquent hasn't made any friends yet" and it just seemed incredibly sad and I couldn't bear to keep reading that.

    I'm not a creeper I swear lol.
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