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Conversation Between Ryan1 and Syrasya

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Btw, just read ur biography. Ha. I see what u did there. *narrow eyes accusingly*
  2. hahah dnt wrry. why not post ur first post in http://www.wtfrpg.com/forum/showthre...WTF-Multiverse ? no one cares whats posted there so just to get it over with?

    oohhhh so then imma promo to u my rp! Neverland. I'm short on players so ure most welcome! :3
  3. c: That picture
    and ahhh...anything really! xD It's just awk to post your first post, its like being a guy that gets on an elevator after everyones been on it for 6 floors and he acts like he runs the place...I dun wanna be that guy DX
  4. Awww shucks!

    Haha so what kinda RP genre r u lookg for?
  5. lolol you guys are really nice! Much nicer than other sites!
    Ish okay, im not a grammer nazi!
    I will DX Just gimme a sec!
  6. i knw. 8D I mean not everyone has the super awesome vision that can detect the join date at your profile bar.
    Hahah cool ure one of the few then. So, hows the site treatg u? Im sure u probably notice but we're one of the most nicest (hang myself for the grammar error) bunch ull have the pleasure of meeting. *enthusiastic air punch*

    so drop me a line whenevr. *glance at ur side bar again and dramatic gasp!*
    ure a zero!? why hvent u post anythg!?? go go! no ones gonna eat u!

    ...i hope.
  7. I am new! D Such a good eye!
    And i am in fact a dude! WAIT WAIT...-checks- yep! XD I'm a guy!

    Ryanlina....interesting..me gusta! :3
  8. Ooooh u look new. So, anyway hello! ~

    andddddddddddddd creeper question. *looks around right n left sneakily*
    are u really a guy?

    mind me trolling. we dont get mny guys here. n if ure a girl thats cool too. Ryan cud probably stand for ryanalina, rght? exctly. or just girl ryan. thats cool. B)

    if u hvent notce, im bored n lack of things to do.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 28 of 28
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