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Conversation Between Avarice and vickiazn

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Okee!
  2. Responding here? That's fine, you seem to be well aware of what you're looking for so I was mostly done.
  3. XD Sorry for late response, just got back from work
  4. Fantastic.
  5. He's typically hand to hand, but since his dad was in the military, he can use certain types of guns well.
  6. If he had to fight, what would he rely on?
  7. Well, he is male. And he's half Japanese and half American.
  8. Try to keep in mind noir standbys for character types. You don't have to, but this all about the feel of it.
  9. That's great. Gender, ethnicity?
  10. Yes, see, hear, smell and depending how close of a connection he has to the person or the case, he can possibly feel their pain.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
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