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Conversation Between AceofMana and kisa974

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. i have a purse that says ciao bella~ go me! alright bye byeee!~
  2. Well then lol, ill chat at you another night. X3 ciao~
  3. lol niceeee gah! now im about to be kicked off! greatttt
  4. lol it took me a million and one years to figure out that face. When it should have been painfully obvious
  5. yes, luvells my owl XP
  6. Owl!
  7. tee hee hee OvO;
  8. tee hee
  9. LOL yes indeed.
  10. hey whatever works, fill the addiction lol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 44
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